
Show All

  • 2010
    • January
      • text update
        I've been on the road for 15 days now and around 2:30am last night was when I finally crashed, and totally bottomed out and my body released those chemicals into my brain that made me feel like I needed to go to sleep and never wake up or the rest of my life was going to feel like the last 15 d

  • 2024
    • December
      • Merry Christmas

        All packed up and ready to go to snowy Baltimore for Christmas. I hope everyone enjoys their holidays and their pocketbooks weren't hurt too bad. I'm relieved after Christmas is over

      • High Strung

        new set on

        When Steve emailed me this set I read the set name and laughed to myself. I'd been rubbing the rose quartz in my pocket and gazing at the obsidian pyramid on the desk earlier wondering how I was

      • Midnight Mass

        *click the picture yo*

        Merry Christmas, our movie Midnight Mass is showing for free until Christmas Day.

        Today is the final day of the "Lost Week", although it might have ended last night at the stroke of midnight. This morning was the first morning in the wee

    • November
      • now that you feel it, you don't

        My eyes still look young but I can see my hands getting older in my photos. I can see my broken knuckles healed crooked and my veins showing more through my skin. I was told never to get my hands or neck tattooed because that's the first part of a woman's body that wrinkles, bu

      • December Coming

        Oh man.

        I can't tell you how many times I've been in this situation. 2am in a full face of makeup, false eyelashes weighing down on my already tired eyes, daydreaming (nightdreaming?) of going to bed. Looking around at my house and everything being torn

      • Paperweight - new set on

        Check it out!

      • cover the eyes /// cover the mouth
        *click on the photos to see full size*

        upholstery hood and photo by Amy Fries

        photo by Corwin Prescott

        wake up at noon
        eat breakfast
        walk the dog
        feed the dog
        check my emails, reply.
        begin to-do list
        sometimes w


        *Click any of the photos and they get bigger.*

        New set on shot by Corwin Prescott. Here's a preview of another bum-in-the-air shot. Maybe I should make a series.

        One of my favorite painters painted me. *die*

      • Uncle Bryan

        *click to make it grow*

        Uncle Bryan came to town.

        He's not really my uncle. He's the only photographer from Houston that I work with now and I'm lucky enough to talk him into coming up into the mountains.

        The entire time Bryan was here I laughe

    • October
      • wzrd

        I'm not a part of the wzrd crew at FLNGS.COM

        Let me know what you think of the site. I worked real hard on it =0

        I also worked really hard on the new Halloween video live at!

        8 minutes part of it there looks like an

      • October 17th
        When I let things get to me they really get to me bad. The worst is when all of my senses become magnified. The normal sound of the fan swinging around will keep me awake until the sun comes up and the smallest bit of moonlight shining through the small cracks of the blinds will look like clear beam

      • testing...

        My depression went away, as it usually does as fast as it hits me, but now it's coming back again because I feel so useless. I just lay here and my poor boyfriend who is just on the tail end of recovering has to take care of me now. When I get up to go to the bathroom the mirror is my wor

      • Some days...
        Some days I sleep for 12 hours and have no motivation to get out of bed and work on the things I need to do.

        I just want to sleep in the nest I've kicked into creation on top of our bed and bury my head in the pillows. It's not all peaches and punch having chemical imbalances.

      • time is escaping me
        It's been almost a week since I updated? I thought I wrote an entry two days ago! Time has always been like that for me. An entire week will go by and it will feel like nothing, but then a year will pass and I'll think back and it will seem like it happened so long ago.

        Chase h

    • September
      • creep street, web cams and cam whores

        One of my friends is flying up from Houston to take pictures of me this weekend. He took the pictures of me underwater in the bathtub wearing the wedding dress. He's our first guest here :)

        I had a chat on Zivity two nights ago but very many people didn't show up. After t

        Over the last five months I've been teaching myself how to build a website. Needless to say it's been a pretty humbling experience.

        I'd like my site to be updated since it's looked the same for so long and I'm finally starting to do little tweaks to it and slowly

      • Cosby Sweater
        New set tonight on!

        Lori Earley wrote me today and told me she made the cover of Hi Fructose October issue and said one of my paintings is in her feature! I still can't believe I met her and was able to work with her this summer. *melt* I wish I c

      • More auctions

        I'm selling six pairs of earrings on Ebay.

        The three day auction is five pairs

        and the five day auction is one of my favorite pairs ever.


        I'm ebay crazy this week!

      • Ebay Day
        It's hard to let go of things sometimes that I'm really attached to, but anytime I do I make room in my life for something new to take it's place.

        Right now I'm selling something I thought at one time I'd never sell, but since I posted it on Ebay I immediately ga

      • The Signer
        My new friend draws me :)

      • hello world.

        We're back in business. It's the tenth of September and we have been working every day for almost a month on fixing up this house.

        I live in a cute little house in a cute little neighborhood on the riverside in a place I didn't expect to see in Arka

      • Posh Boutique

        *click to see it grow!*

        Photo by for Posh Boutique in Houston, TX.

      • I got it
        I went with an iPhone. Please text me so I can add you back to my contacts.

        We move in to our new house tomorrow and I couldn't be more excited!


    • August
      • condemned by fate

      • 12 Tribes

      • Sweet Jane

        *click photos to see full size*

        Sweet Jane - Dastardly Dave -

      • back forward and down

      • water

        ...Whenever I come to the fountain to drink I find the living water itself thirsty; And it drinks me while I drink it.
        -Khalil Gibran

      • WARLORDZ. It's back.
        Every. Day.

        Today we watched the turtle battle a crawfish.

        And we accidentally left the camera on while we were watching a movie.

        Who knows what we'll do tomorrow!


      • Welcome home.
        Here I sit 1260 ft above sea level in the Ozark Mountains. Our new home for now.

        I didn't take that photo, but that's what my town looks like. It's the most beautiful place in America I've ever seen. Some of the people have definitely lived up to the Arkan

      • I'm moving...
        onto a mountain by the river.


      • Summer
        In six weeks we went from Iowa to Baltimore, Brooklyn, Boston, Manchester, Philadelphia, whatever city in West Virginia Cooter lives in, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Little Rock, little towns here and there and back up to the farm.

        I also shot for and am now on another magazine

    • July
      • Baltimore Birthday
        "Make sure you get the Olive Garden sign in the background"

        Meet some of my favorite people. Dan is the tall one with the glasses. He also goes by US Romance and he takes pictures of me sometimes for my site and s

      • Hi.
        I only fell out of one world and fell into another where I'm much more content, and I did it by choice, not because I had no other options left.

        And you wouldn't shoot either if you had an entire three quarter sleeve and armpit tattoo being lasered off.

        I'm sta

    • June
      • Hello :D
        I've been doing non-stop tutorials and working in new programs to figure out how to build websites...I feel funny talking about it because people that know how to really build them will laugh at me because I'm just starting and my first few sites are going to be less than great...I actuall

      • www
        When I woke up the other morning and opened my eyes one of the dogs was sitting ten inches away from my face at eye level just staring at me. I don't know how long he was there but it was really startling and it made me yell and then I scared Chase awake. It was like a little domino effect. I w

      • Second post of the First because I can't sleep.
        If you haven't seen this yet from my journal earlier this year you should see this too... because it's still funny.

        Reposting is really lame, but I can't stop laughing.

        Want to hear something magical now?

        Once upon a time I was told that someone wish

      • First of the Month

    • May
      • Farm Girl

        October or November? I don't remember.

        But if you go to you can see the set.

        Thank you Hannah :D

      • Ooh La La
        I'm a little disattached from reality again today. It's like I was telling my friend, since I can remember I've always been a night person and most nights I won't go to bed until I see the sun come up. But now I sleep next to an open window and the birds are so loud it's lik

      • Soliliquy by Renee Masoomian

        photo by Kencredible
        wardrobe by Soliloquy by Renee Masoomian

        Choy wouldn't stop barking the other day while we were sleeping so Chase got out of bed and opened up the front door and left it open all afternoon.

        When I got out of bed and brushed my teeth I

      • Farm Life!
        Look at what Chase made :D

        And now look at thisssssss

        Go check out my home at!

      • Cabin Fever?
        I've always loved staying in my house more than going out. But staying locked up in a house in the 1st ward of Houston is a lot different then staying locked up in a farm house. Down there I could climb on my roof and people watch my colorful neighbors or I could call Carson and we would drive

      • US ROMANCE
        I borrowed Supercult photographer US Romance for a night. He has the coolest bedroom I've ever seen =0

        New set on

      • Sweet Jane Vintage

        *click the pics! clickety click*

        Sweet Jane is located at 1742 East Passyunk Ave in Philadelphia, PA.
        Store hours Tues-Saturday 12-8 Sunday 12-6
        # 215-339-0882

        Dave Dawson is located at awesomeland in Manchester, NH.
      • Wubsy
        I remember when I was a kid I had a copy of The Little Red Hen that my mom used to make me go and get and bring to my sister (that is nine years older than me) when she thought my sister needed to be reminded that she reaps what she sows. And looking back at that now it's really funny that my

      • The Opening
        Jonathan Slingluff from Studio 27.28 said 600 to 800 people came through the door that night. The line was two blocks long to get in =0

        Here's some random photos of me with people that night. I didn't get to wear the dress I planned to wear because we were hanging until 5:50 pm

      • uh oh
        I'm home.

        I shot lots of sets...and my blog seems to be broken.

        I'm going to go work on this and then post pictures of myself =0

    • April

        If you click on the picture it gets big and awesome =0 Try it out.

        Before I go into that we need to have a talk about something.

        It's about this.

        It's my new favorite game. My favorite used to be the helicopter game but this one is so much better b

      • we must remain the wildhearted outsiders


        Come meet me =0

      • Now this is happening
        Guess what I've been doing =0

        My boyfriend Chase Lisbon has his first gallery show on May 02 in Philadelphia. Come out and see us =0

        This has been like planning a wedding and we've put at least a hundred hours of work into it including all of the time it t

      • GHOST TOWN! boo

        We bought that dress at a really cute shop in Savannah back in September and shot with it underwater and had plans to shoot a set with it and finally got around to shooting a video in it, and now we've finally shot photos to go with it so I can retire the wig now :) And the poor dre

      • A world of hurt
        I went into a time warp and didn't realize by Tuesday how long I had already been around Baltimore.

        The fun started immediately at BWI when US Romance picked us up from the airport. He pulled over to the curbside behind a cop that stared at his car for a really long time while we lo

    • March
      • Another night before a flight! =0

        More photos from my 23rd birthday. That was a pretty big day for me. I don't know long long you've been reading my blog but I was anticipating this day since I was 17 because I knew whatever happened when I turned 23 would change my life. And my life did

      • Hello :D

        *click and they grow! I love magic*

        More pictures from my birthday back in July. Coming soon to and!

        Thank you to everyone that helped out with Chase Lisbon's birthday on the 17th!

        He said it w

      • New photos =0
        I took pictures of myself tonight and I'm about to post the set on

        I have another laser appointment for my arm in a couple of weeks. I'm not as scared anymore to post pictures of myself because

      • The Road To Mountain Home
        has been telling some pretty epic stories in his blogs recently. He's getting into my birthday story and posted some photos we took that night at the lodge in the Ozark mountains.

        Stay tuned to his blog for the full story and check back

      • little surprises in my inbox
        Surprises make me happy :D Especially when it's from the Jackal.


      • I love my roommate
        Katie worked on my leg a couple days ago. I love the way it looks so far! We're not finished with it yet but we got most of it done this time. Sorry the pictures are kinda bad, I took it with my phone...


      • Breathing problems

        Asphyxia and Apnea, together at last. again!

        Run to and see it all!

    • February
      • Few more...

        I can't believe I got a starfish tattooed in my armpit. Dear God. That's the best example of why I should always stay sober. Luckily it's black and gray and the easiest color to laser out.

        *shake shake shake*

      • Valentine's Day

        I like the lights because they look like my little ufo friends <3

        The day before my sleeve was lasered. My friend Scott called me an Etch-a-Sketch.

        Chase slept in the bed, and I slept in the rafters because I

      • I'm back
        Remember in Jack Frost when Michael Keaton died and then somehow turned into a snowman a year later and looked around at his one-dimensional plywood house covered in fake snow and said, "I'm back!" Well I'm back home too. And for the record I hate that fucking movie. I hate that

      • Happy Valentine's Day
        I know it's a couple days early, but I might not be able to make it back to my blog by the 14th to tell you that I love all of you.

        Philip and I used to wait until the last minute to shoot holiday sets. These were the Valentine

      • Floss Boss

        What's up dog?

      • Supercult /// Lisbon Vol. 3 APNEATIC

        When Chase and I were living in Savannah we were so excited to shoot a video in the pool. But we didn't know anything about shooting underwater so trying to figure it out was interesting.

        First we drove to Target and bought some Maglites, freezer bags, a snorkel, duct tap

    • January
      • Mistakes were made in many regards
        I finally had a chance to see the Bizarre Girls magazine. The photos of me turned out lovely in print! But I can't say the same about the text.

        I need to clear something up with everyone, because this is a common misconception.

        I have never been married. I was never even

      • Breaking Records
        Remember when I was talking about Zivity and I mentioned that set that Chase shot of me going live? I love that set. A lot of other people loved it too. You know how I know? The crystal ball didn't tell me. It couldn't tell me. There's no way it could tell me because it's at the

      • Zivity *!* Your chance to see a set for free

        Zivity posted our set tonight!

        This is especially awesome for everyone who reads my blog but hasn't signed up for Apneatic or Supercult, because right now Zivity is FREE! So you can use this opportunity to go check out our work together <3

        If you do sign up

      • Improv blog.
        "today i woke up and watched a total yoga movie. it was all about how to exercise and it was so awesome. and then i ate like two diet cokes then smoked the marlboro light 100's and that's how i save money because it's the same price but you get more cigarette. but that's wha

      • It's like a ghost town around here
        I posted a new video on Apneatic today by Mike Gill....

        It's probably the best video that's ever been on my site. I would say it's a tie with the Robert Sebree video I had to take out because of the ending of me dead in the bathtub.

        I'm not used

      • Twitter
        I've abandoned my blog lately for two reasons.

        The main reason is because I stay locked up in a room and I work all day and I don't have much to talk about.

        The other reason is because I'm obsessed with Twitter lately.

        So please go talk to me there

      • The Chase Lisbon update
        Chase Lisbon's Flickr account was deleted yesterday :(

        If you're on Flickr please add his new one to your bookmarks!

        Old = :(

        New =

        Old : empty

        New : Lots of pretty pictures! Like this new one!

      • The First Blog of 2024! Intense pressure to please.
        I wrote so many emails with automatic replies telling me, "Hi there! We're all out of the office until January 5th! Happy New Year!" So I went on an internet strike until the 5th. Happy New Year! Then I logged into my blog and had ten comments to approve and after trying to delete one

  • 2008
    • December
      • New Year's Eve
        This year was insane.

        My Vegas Christmas was insane.

        I love Chase's mom and she probably thinks I'm insane...

        Crazy. Those snowmen are so much bigger than mine.

      • My Christmas!

        Chase bought me some new glasses <3

        We had an eyeglass situation for the last six months. A couple of months before I ever talked to Chase I unknowingly bought the exact same pair that he owned so when we met each other we had matching glasses that we could never wear at t

      • Thank you Secret Santa
        Aram Fresh FedEx'd me a battle. And Steen knitted me a battle ground (which is also a very cozy jellyfish scarf!)

      • Christmas Cards

        Chase and I drew up about 100 Christmas cards on flash cards over the last week then addressed them out to all of the people we could recognize from our order book.

        Katie draws so much better than u

      • my first snowman

        I've never built a snowman before. I didn't really know how. Chase found me in the snow on my knees pushing snow into a pile and after laughing at me he finally told me I was doing it all wrong. Then Katie told me to roll it into a ball. He's so cute. And tiny.

      • What I'm thankful for...the sequel
        And just like sequels this will be much less adequate than the original "What I'm Thankful For" blog post. Because all that I'm really thankful for is that it's 4 in the morning and technically not the 16th anymore. I didn't have the best day. =/

        If you'

      • Sex Criminal Fashions
        Another one of those wasting-the-evening-on-Youtube evenings.

        I'm making another update on Apneatic in the next couple of hours! It's really awesome so make sure to check it out.


      • The Mysteries of Model Mayhem
        Eyahmon finds photos of me on Model Mayhem that I've never seen before, then I get excited like Christmas. Tis the season to get excited like this. What's on the top of my wishlist this year? Surprises.

        Surprise one...

        Jade Noir! Cherie is the model wrapp

      • Backfin vs Blowhole
        "You know what I'm going to do to you while you're asleep?"

        "What's that, Chase..."

        "I'm gonna rub water all over you, right, then drop algae spores on your shoulder and get that shit growing all over you, see, then I'm gonna st

      • New Sets! New Ebay Auction!

        -Click! It grows like magic!-

        Check out my site to see the full set!

        Right now all of the hoodies are sold out, but we still have power packs of two shirts for $20 if you visit the shop.

        We all remember this photo. Some of us nev

      • oops

        This is so cute...I love them so much.

        Katie caught that this morning when she fed the chickens. =D

        Guess what else...

        photo by Chase Lisbon <3

      • Snow

        Ok the Bloods joke on my Myspace page isn't funny anymore. But it was really funny while it lasted.

        Today was the first day I've ever driven in snow! Then once I got home I made snowballs and threw them against the house. I love snow so much. It's also really c

    • November
      • Thanksgiving
        I'm copying Chase's list idea he wrote in his blog today.

        I'm thankful that I found faith again.
        I'm thankful that I realized what I don't want out of life. And I'm thankful that even after I knew what I didn't want, but stayed in the situation ou

      • Saturday

        *click it, it's like magic how it grows twice it's size*

        Sometimes I have trouble naming my blogs. And then people don't understand what I'm saying so I change it over and over until it's really dull and easy to understand.

        Chase just realized som

      • kitty cat
        I guess my friends have heard about why I sometimes laugh when I walk down the pet food isle at the food library and see the cat chow bag with the lady on it holding the cat in the air, and I always imagine the cat's head in her mouth and it makes me laugh. So when I saw Jackal's kitten th

      • Eclipse

        -click to see the photos grow! ch ch ch chia!-

        Go check out the new set on my site!

        I went all ferret on Chase before I went to Boston and stashed a few of his shirts in my suitcase so when I missed him I could wear it around and be all

      • Apneatic Fiend Club!

        Simple Coy loves Apneatic stickers!

        aw! xx

      • our new construction business

        -Chere and me with Jade Noir-

        I watched Chase in amazement tonight as he showed me his sick construction skills. He doesn't really measure things and if it looks like it might be really off he just says "fuck it" and starts cutting until it's better, and if

      • BREATHE!
        Steen shot a super sweet video of me playing around with my custom made Broken Brains gas mask from the day Playboy TV shot me for their new show E-Rotic.

        You should watch it! All you have to do is click on the banner and it goes to my site!

      • Max Prophet

        -max prophet-

        I have a fish tank of madness :

        The zebra fish started disappearing, the eel died, the spotted molly had babies, one puffer fish attacked a neon tetra then bit it's head off, the neon fish at the to

      • Wu Tang Juice
        I think a lot and I'll repeat the same thing in my head over and over until I write it down. If I didn't have a planner or my notebook I would be a mess.
        One of the things on my to-do list for next week is to fix my wrecked up model mayhem page. So I logged in last night to assess the

      • Voyeur-tastic!

        I have tons of images from shoots on my computer from the last four years. These were shot in July 2004 in some terrible Burbank motel and every time I would go through the gallery I would think to myself, "Yikes...these should stay in this folder and never see the

      • Winnebago
        We tried to buy this today at the Iowa City auction :

        We got into a small bidding war with some dirty hippie that was breathing down our neck trying to hear us say how much we were willing to spend. I didn't like that guy at all. But then the both of us ended up losing t

      • I'm so confused

        -photo by Greg Truelove- -set going live this month!-

        Today has been so strange.

        1. A black cat crossed our path. Not a big deal.

        2. Rape Chicken ate a live snake, so now she is Metal Chicken because she eats live snakes and gets effed a lot and sh

      • 2 Extreme

        There were some intense moments today on the farm.

        Scott Harrison the speckled sussex joined the roost today. We think she's the smartest chicken here and hope she doesn't become isolated for being so awesome.
    • October
      • Happy Halloween

        I am Batnea. Spiders like to bite me because they know how dark I am, and they're into that. Halloween is the most important day of the year. I'll take my magic broom and sweep towards you

      • Halloweve

        My roommates

        I dropped my phone in the grass yesterday morning chasing them and didn't find it until earlier today.

        Chase told me I look like a duck when I run.

        Remember these five rules always (according to a really terrible video game called Black)

      • Neu.

        -Jade Noir in San Antonio-

        Steen built me this sweet new blog! I've been addicted to playing around with it for the last few days. We haven't been able to make it go live yet though because I had to manually import the last three years of journal entries, which I didn'

      • sundown

        Tomorrow I go to the auction and buy three new hens.

        test test test! test new blog!

      • Pervtastic!

      • The Red Robin

      • St. Louis vs my sanity

      • Wicked Pixel!

      • Little Reno

      • Batnea

      • Chicken Day

      • apnea tatsz

      • Apneatic Merch

      • Elvira

      • Japanese Prank

      • The first day of Cloak Month

    • September
    • August
    • July
    • June
    • May
    • April
      • Recurring dreams

        I keep having this dream where I'm in a small metal bubble with a large window in front of me so I can see everything. I'm launched suddenly from the ground and rattle through the sky going straight up, I'm scared and feel like I'm going to die, all I feel is fear, then I b

      • Cat and Dogs
        I love kitties so much. I just want to squeeze them until their guts pop out of their cute little eyes.

        The feral barn kittie from next door isn't looking so fluffy these days. He's absolutely crazy and rips its hair out. I think that means he has mange or some shit.

      • Asshat.
        Asshat. Thats my favorite angry word.
        Its one of those words that you can yell at cars who swerve and almost
        kill me when I'm riding my bike. Or a word to yell when some asshole
        bee stings me.

        I still can't comprehend why that asshat of a bee stung me today.

      • Case Magazine

      • sketch book

      • How much do you love yourself?

      • Ken-stillin-credible

      • Kencredible

      • I like it in my mouth

      • Pool Cat

        I used to be obsessed with David Mack. I read his comics over and over, then after reading Skin Deep too many times I fell in love with origami. Now my favorite birthday gift to give is origami money in a petite box with a pretty ribbon wrapped around it. About four years ago Phili

      • Bike Farm

        Birgit and my neighbor helped me pick out my new bicycle today. We went to the Bike Barn (it's not really a barn), rode on bicycles around the store, and watched a dvd of the hardcore bicycle guys shitting their pants while they were riding hard. Then we looked at the bicycle magazines an

      • BEAR CLAWS!

      • Lots of visuals

      • I ain't no April Fool. Ho.

    • March
    • February
    • January
      • Alternative Girls

      • Darcie Teasley

      • UFO!

      • Mosh mosh mosh!
        Lots and lots of shooting! Three shoots on Saturday, two shoots on Sunday, three shoots, today, two shoots tomorrow, one shoot on the 16th and then I go do makeup and we take Mosh back to the airport and I can blow the dust off of my to-do list and catch up on that.

        Everytime I shoot with

      • Ladies in my bed

      • Sandwich Day
        Today was Sandwich day at the LP Manor. The guests in the Great Hall feasted upon a banquet of seven different kinds of sandwiches. My new cheddar and bacon cinnamon sandwiches, croques of all varieties, the infamous Monte Cristo, and some other experiments that do not have a name yet. I am the sand

      • update

      • My pitcher

      • Superman!

  • 2007
    • December
      • Outtakes

      • Viva!

      • Beat The Log Day

      • Winter Wonderland

      • Idiocracy

      • Juan The Fisherman

      • December madness
        I've seen Superbad every night for the last three days and I'm about to go watch it again. My friend told me I need to watch Idiocracy too so I just ordered it.

        I finally bought Christmas gifts. I still don't have a Christmas tree, but I have a lamp that I can wrap some tin

      • Envy Magazine

      • lolsuit

      • Free Lithium Picnic merch

        I got up at 8am to spread my buckwheat groats out on a cookie sheet to dehydrate naturally in the sunlight, but there was no sun today. It's now 20 hours later and I have a wet pan of buckwheat. Thanks Mr. Sun for screwing my plans.

      • The Marshmallow

      • Nothing Lasts Forever

      • down the rabbit hole

      • I hate depositions.

        We've been in Portland for depositions related to Suicidegirl's $100,000 lawsuit against Philip. This weeek alone probably racked up another $5,000 in legal expenses. Thanks SG!

        We arrived Wednesday into PDX and were greeted by my new friends Andrea and Dennis. We went str

    • November
      • I'm the face of the bootleg iPhone
        Right now I am listening to the Contemporary Music of Mexico and Brazil. I want to get out of the country ASAP. I've had offers to go to Spain and The Philippines-or bootleg Asia as I like to call it. All I want for Christmas is Continental gift certificates so we can go to Thailand. I hear gre

      • Mange La Mode

      • Portland bound...
        I'm back in Houston now. I need to find a new suit so I look sharp for my deposition. I'm leaving for Portland in five days under crappy circumstances but I still need to look good for it.

        On Tuesday I'm going to my sister's salon so she can help me figure out a way to

      • cute!

      • Waffles!

      • shaaawing!

      • Isabelle
        Over at my mom's house...

        rolling around with my cat Isabelle...

        she's so fluffy and cute.

        I just ate a mango.

      • Numbers
        It's Friday night. I live within walking distance of Main Street and all of the popular night clubs, but it's 10pm and I'm already in my pajamas. Hmm.

        I keep thinking about the same useless things over and over again. Like I'll balance my checkbook then for twenty minu

      • 14 miles!

      • Okapi

      • San Diego

        I slept in a dungeon last night that smells like flan and cinnamon buns. Our bed was right by the electricity and the dentist chair. It was like all of my wildest dreams had come true, except The Cone wasn't there so it wasn't completely magical. Picnic had some time to drive around

      • It's so pretty here...

      • Happy November!

        Picnic and I had an awesome party last night. And we woke up late and had a wonderful breakfast together.

        I'm leaving for sunny California tomorrow. I'll bring my video camera and try to capture as much as I can for my members :) Speaking of videos, there's a new one

    • October
      • Happy Halloween!

      • Picnic comes home!

      • Fun Run tomorrow!
        My walks are so pleasant in this beautiful weather. Lately everything seems more pleasant though :)

        I can't believe I didn't know that Wes Anderson has another movie out. I must go see it immediately.

        Speaking of movies, I saw The Nightmare Before Christmas in 3-D ton

      • Hello Internet
        Two hours to answer email is too much :( That's what I get for waiting three days to answer anything. I haven't even checked other sites like Model Mayhem and Myspace. I wouldn't mind if all of the messages were people saying they wished us luck on the lawsuit or people asking me ques

      • It's cold outside!

      • Skinny Bitch

      • Minesweeper

      • Diamonds in your face

        I was supposed to go to Austin tomorrow but I can't anymore. So I'll be in Houston enjoying the terrible weather.

        There's only one place in town I can find that sells citric acid. I thought it would be so much easier to find! I can't be the only one that likes co


        One day until my next shoot.

        Two days until court.

        Ten days until I get my big surprise.

        Twelve days until the Great Pumpkin Fun Run.

        Sixteen days until Halloween.

        Nineteen days until the FREE LP SAN DIEGO Fundraiser.

      • Another one of those days...

        After Ursulla and I concluded our eight mile adventure I came back home and cried for almost an hour for no reason other than my bones hurt and I felt really sad. I hear this is normal but I still hate it. I need to drink water until I burst to try to flush the negative energy troll out of my

      • October 2007 is epic and badout
        Our front yard is filled with broken pumpkins and pumpkin guts all over the place. We had a lot of fun last night around 3am.

        I love pumpkins and I love eating candy corn until it makes me throw up - which funny enough doesn't take much to throw up, only about a handful.


      • Iron Chef Challenge : Candy Corn

        Ursulla and I walked eleven miles yesterday, went swimming for an hour, then yoga for one hour. So when I woke up this morning I was tired but I felt amazing.

        Then my sister dyed my hair, it's black with beautiful plum that was amazing.

        Then I had lun

      • Dirty Ruth

      • Epic

      • Mitsuko

      • Golden Girl

        Do you ever get bored and play the helicopter game for hours?

        I used to do that.

        *google "helicopter game"*

        I'm watching television right now, something I never do! 'Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle' is reminds me of w

      • Parallel Universe

      • what a day, what a day

      • scotchtoberfest

    • September
      • He had it coming...

        Yesterday Picnic and I wore our high socks and treaded out through the tall grass and broken rocks along the bayou two miles over from our house. He wanted to go exploring and see the situation under the old railroad tracks. When we were out in the grass away from all the roads I f

      • Gasoline Glamour!
        I love it!

      • Belly

      • Alien

      • LA

      • Gay Chili

      • Pretty Lady Day

      • History

        One of my favorite songs by one of my favorite songwriters repeats over and over, "Your history acts as your gravity..." The reason that was one of my favorite songs not only because it's beautiful but because I felt like I agreed with what he was singing. I'm happy to say

      • ggg ghost!

      • Guadalupe

        just answered some really graphic interview questions. Hahaha! And I'm so tired that I answered them honestly.

        Soooo tired. My circadian rhythm is all out of whack. I've been awake for 24 hours but I still can't sleep because the sun is shining through the windows so

      • Reunions are gay

        Picnic's class reunion last night was interesting! I was the youngest person there which doesn't really bother me until some of the patrons started drinking this one guy's moonshine and stumbling up to us and asking if I was 12 years haven't heard any of those

      • Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe - the virgin and me : round 2

      • Shout-out to John Warner the birthday king
        Happy birthday, John Warner! I hope you enjoy your chocolate cake.

        John is my neighbor, he's been in California though for a couple of weeks fixing up his house.

        Have you ever been so tired that you wanted to vomit? I'm at that point right now.

        I fixed my w

    • August
      • The end of August.
        I only had four hours of sleep last night. Nothing compared to the 10-12 hours I've been accustomed to getting lately. Coffee still makes me feel guilty so I drank chai tea throughout the morning to stay alert.

        The reason I woke up so early was to go spend the morning with my sister.

      • Shooting her shooting me

      • Kinda lame.

        I decided to go out last night and visit with my family over at my sister's house. My mom came into town so it was a good opportunity to see everyone all at once. I ended up spending the night after I fell asleep in a recliner chair which turned into a ridiculous task to stop myself from

      • I shot myself

        I jumped on the bandwagon and shot a set of photos of myself today. It was really difficult trying to hold the camera far enough away to get more than pieces of my body. I guess that means I can't do it without Picnic <3 I sure do miss him. My really big pillow just isn't th

      • Adventures.

        That storm wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. And unforunately, the power never went out so the sheet fort wasn't as amazing as it could have potentially been had the power actually gone out. The only thing bizarre that happened was all of the alarms in the building went

      • I miss Philip

        There's a tropical storm coming through tonight! YESSSSS. I love big storms. Time to break out the sheet forts and s'mores because there's a big storm coming tonight! WOOOOOO!!! I hope the power goes out, but only for half an hour.

        I'm about to go swimming =D I l

      • gross.

        Haaayyy! =D

        My mom just got back from her trip to Jamaica so a bunch of us all went out to lunch with her today. She said she tried to take a picture of a blowfish all puffed up because I love those, but they never puffed out. My favorite part in 'The Life Aquatic' is when

      • Rainy Day

      • The Doom Arch
        I didn't know some people believe the St. Louis Arch is a weather controlling device. That makes it a lot more interesting. When I was in St. Louis I remember seeing that thing and wondering why they would build something like that, but I just figured it was a big gay arch. If it really does sp

      • Fanta$y Girls

        2Xtreme and Danjris have both departed from Picnic Mountain. Now it's just the Gingerbread King Philip and his loyal assistant Professor Lollipop Apnea Sugarpants. I really liked having them around...I especially liked my neighbors telling me stories that involved the girls. Like the othe

      • Ants in my pants and I need to dance
        1AM : Wake up

        1:30AM : Go to breakfast, meeting with Picnic and the ladiesz

        3:30AM : Arrive at Casa Del Picnic aka SlutHut Deu (the original SlutHut is down the street)

        4:00AM : Begin shooting Frenzy

        9:00AM : It's balls hot outside already and I want

      • Playing God

      • I love the ladies all the time.
        Go look at my new set with Swindle immediately please, because it's the best in the universe.

        Today has been so much better than yesterday. I woke up at 9pm and it's 5 now and I just finished my work for the day so now I can play with Porsylin and Amber while they shoot content

      • Sprayer

        WHAT A DAY! =D I spilled almost every cup of liquid I had in a four foot radius of me, but I stayed optimistic because I thought I would just keep attracting spillage if I got upset about it, but it kept happening so I dunno. I gave up on trying to make today successful at about 7:

      • Goulet!
        Everyone here had to set their alarm to make it to our 5pm appointment. That made me laugh.

        So tonight was my sister's hair show and we all got dressed up and wore big wigs and it was great.

        Now I'm at home relaxing in my new favorite chair that I bought yesterday. I

    • July
      • Gayhhhhhh

      • Carson...hurry up and come over.

        I feel crazy today. I just have to remember to keep drinking lots of water and lay in bed then I'll feel better. There's some people coming over tonight. Then my friend and I are going to go driving around doing nothing. I love doing that :)

        Why Crazy you ask??

      • I drank way too much. First day of 22!

        I'm so glad one of the gifts from my sister was a case of Vitamin Water, because I desperately needed it after I woke up this afternoon. Seems like I had a little too much fun at the Penthouse Club last night. Cosmopolitans are dangerous when the bartender uses orange vodka because then I

      • Happy Birthday to meeeeeeeee

        I'm finally back on my backwards schedule, FINALLY! I cry tears of joy. It's 5am and I'm not tired at all, which means my body is finally back on it's normal schedule. And since it's 5am, that means it's my birthday! Wooo 22! ONE MORE YEAR TO GO! That would be hil

      • one day closer to 23

        Holy crap crap crap I'm so excited, cause my birthday is in two days then I'll be 22 and that's one more year closer to being 23. I've been waiting to turn 23 since I was 16, because that's when the magic's gonna happen for me. You don't get it? You will. Com

      • You should be dancing, YA

      • St. Louis

      • I never stop moving.

        I have to fly out again tomorrow.

        Driving from Merced to Houston was crazy times. My knee fell asleep in El Paso...I didn't even know that was possible.

        I have new neighbors.

        Texas is really pretty. Houston is not pretty at all when driving into it. There&

      • On The Road...I hate Jack Kerouac and I dont know how to spell his name.

      • Vegas!

        I love Vegas. I do not love losing money at the War table though.

        So I started drinking when I got here on the 5th and haven't really stopped yet. I need a month long detox after my birthday.

        Speaking of my birthday, Ursulla and I are having a cocktail party that wee

      • Swindle!


        I love my house and I love the humidity outside and I love my shower and razors and pillows and down comforter and I'm soooooo happy to be home. I love my life so much more now. My super huge bright color calibrated monitor gave me this strange euphoric feeling when I turned it on and loo

    • June
      • Staten Island blows

      • NYC bound

      • Fitness

        I saw lightning outside for hours before it turned into the crazy storm that's going on right now. I'm just cuddled up in bed waiting for the power to go out.

        The word of the day was 'exercise'. I went swimming, running, arm workouts, ab workouts, hula hoops, ell

      • I'm just trying to be a better person.

      • Hah!

      • New Office Chair

        My birthday is coming up next month and I thought for about an hour today about a big party I could have with lots of booze and strippers and strippers in cakes and a big feast on a long table and more cake and water activities and loud music, but then I realized I don't have nearly enoug

      • The Best Bird.

      • shoooomg ladies love me.

      • I love Fish Ball

      • IT CAME!

      • Mudville : No Prostitution

      • New hair, new hip.

        My awesome fabulous sister cut my hair today, and added some blonde in the front =) It looks pretty.

        I have the best shoot on Friday, I get to be naked with another pretty girl and we're gonna be all hot and sweaty in a warehouse with lots of big semi-automatic weapons. I don

      • Weird seeing myself like this...

      • Marfrellas

        There's a magical place in Houston, where there are no signs and the entrance is hidden under a staircase behind a building. Picnic shared the secret with me and now it's my favorite place ever. When you walk in, there's fancy music playing and very dim lights, and men in busine

    • May
      • Spartacus

        Today was the shoot for a leather company based in Portland. I think it went well called Spartacus. The makeup artist also styled this really nice wig, but the rough thing was the hair was so long it reached my thighs, and wigs that long like to get tangled and frizz easily in Texas humidity.

      • Tabitha and the Bird

      • Hello Nos

      • #1!

      • Little tidbits

        I'm in desperate need of a shower, I covered myself in makeup while I was practicing the use of my new airbrush machine.

        I need to rearrange the furniture in my place. I can't handle it when stuff in my area stays the exact same.

        My hair is poofy again. I'm

      • Prairie Dog love

      • New obsession.

        I am obsessed with this damn bird...

        The Heist

      • Your mom

        Hello, 4AM.

        I saw my new nephew today, he's so adorable. It was weird holding him because I always feel like I'm going to break little things like that but he just chewed on his hand and didn't cry or anything so that was cool.

      • Frogs do it too

      • slow start to May

      • lawlcopter

      • April
      • March
        • still figuring out the business

          I've never owned business cards. Isn't that crazy? Or is it not so crazy. If I had business cards I would have to have at least three different kinds depending on the occasion which would require that I hand out a card to someone. But nevermind all that, how is everyone? Still breath

        • Styling is fun!

        • The Fam

        • The Aquarium

        • cake ass trick ass shitE.

          I got up at 6am, which is usually when I go to bed, made it to the Co-op by 7am, put in my two hours of back breaking volunteer work (kidding, really, it was easy), went home and went back to sleep, only to wake up to another raw food buffet courtesy of Picnic's client.

        • Ballzoid

          I volunteered to help out at the farmer's market tomorrow morning. After I got off the phone I realized that I volunteered to be somewhere at 7AM and that was probably the worst idea ever, but maybe this is what I need to get my schedule back in order.

          I'm so hyper right n

        • Ray Savage

        • Kitty Kat

          I'm so excited.

          My friend is coming over, we're gonna go to Dave and Busters,

          then we're gonna come back to my house and play video games ALL NIGHT.

          I just made a big fruit plate for the occasion.

          I feel like a 12 year old Asian

        • Dry time : too long

        • Dr. Dan

        • LA week - Fetish Photo Box

        • The Roof

        • I am in a ridiculously good mood.

          Holy crap I'm having the best day ever. I've been outside in my bathing suit all day. I'm outside right now on my laptop watching my neighbor climbing on the roof trying to trim his trees. He keeps cursing in fear that he'll fall off. Then his wife is just standing in the y

        • run-on
          Hello :)

          Woke up, drove as fast as I could to yoga class so I wouldn't be late, after yoga I bought another dozen apples to last us until I leave for California, came home, packed my stuff, ran up to the salon to do make-up, ate a spinach salad, tried to take a nap but I can't s

        • Why am I so gross sometimes

          Ugh the weather is so beautiful. I'm so happy I can finally go outside again! I went out and bought a new pink bikini, I'll have to take a picture of it for you so you can see what it looks like :)

          Okay, I know this sounds disgusting - almond butter and cranberry jelly on

      • February
        • The Empress

        • Today...

          I bought a bootleg R2-D2 sticker last week, put it on the back of Picnic's car, and forgot about it. Then as we were driving around today, he looked in his mirror and noticed it. His reaction was the highlight of my month. He doesn't like car stickers at all. But he loves Star Wars.

        • I like to party

          Let's talk about the delicious cookies that are in the dehydrator right now. All I did was mix cacao nibs, almonds, medjool dates, agave nectar and green apple, and now it's in the dehydrator. The "batter" tasted just like fudge in my opinion. Picnic thought it

        • Dir En Grey

          I met Dir En Grey tonight, that was pretty cool. I have some awesome video footage of the guitar player calling himself a porn star. I almost didn't go tonight because I've been trying to stick to a raw food diet and no drinking and being at a bar with only water isn't the best

        • Cat in the Hat

        • Envy Magazine

        • Happy Valentine's Day!

        • Toxins

          I keep having really vivid nightmares. That's not good. Time to start using my sweet dreams oil again. I called my doctor and asked her what was with all of the nightmares and she blamed it on the toxins. That word...toxins...I hear it every day. Everything bad is because of toxins. Toxin

        • Detox

          I had an appointment with a nutritionist today, she's putting me on a three week detox diet starting tomorrow. Yay, another detox. *foghorn* But seriously, I get to eat some stuff on this cleanse so I already like it a lot more than the master cleanse. I get to go back to her office on Mo

        • Birthday wishes

        • ITS A TRAP

        • 2006 Model of the Year

      • January
        • New Cover!

        • Gong

        • Go vote for Sabrick on YTMND!

        • SG is suing Philip.

          A peculiar looking woman waddled up our steps yesterday and handed Picnic his service papers from Suicide Girls. That's right, he's being sued for shooting me and "owning" my site. While he does shoot a lot of pictures of me, he doesn't participate in the ownership or

        • CAT!

        • Prostitutes are crazy

          Wow. What a night.

          It all started the night before when my friend and I got lost downtown and ended up in the parking lot of a place called the Harmony House. It was one of the creepiest places I had seen in a long time. I went home and Googled it to see what it was, and it turns ou

        • Haha!

        • Nothing special.

          I've been asleep for about 12 hours...two of those hours I was asleep inside of a suitcase. See, sometimes I get in the oversized suitcase and Picnic zips me up and rolls me around the house...well, after he unzipped me, I didn't really wanna get out and then I fell asleep. So that

        • New portfolio site in the works!

        • Boss Hogg

        • kaleidoscopic.

        • Chicken Head

        • Sebree!

        • Los Angeles

          Picnic and I just checked into a really nice hotel and now we're gonna take all of the furniture and shove it in the corner so I can crawl around on it and he can take pictures.

        • Emergency Landing

          Tonight was interesting. At the Denver International Airport my flight was greeted on the landing strip by about a dozen ambulance and fire trucks. I noticed the flight attendants in a panic then I felt a crazy rumbling from under the airplane...come to find out we had some engine failure but

        • The longest shoot of my life

          WE DID IT! Picnic pulled off the impossible today and shot 20 different sets in 8 hours and all of his shots look amazing. And I had the best modeling role ever. All of the tall, skinny, clean skinned models were dressed in their couture evening gowns draped over a strapping young male model t

        • Damage Control

          It's 6am technically the morning of January 7th but I haven't gone to bed yet because we have a huge shoot tomorrow for a magazine spread and everything was thrown together at the last minute and well what can I say...unfortunately damage control can take a long time. But Picnic and

        • Extra vowels in words makes it beeeeetteeeeeeer

          Picnic and I convinced some of the beautiful dancers from our New Year's Eve bash to come and model for us so I got to hang out with one of them today :) That was so awesome lol.

          I just finished a four hour shoot for a gun company. That was one of the coolest things I've d

        • Hula Hoop

        • You know you drank too much when...

      • 2006
        • December
          • Last day...

            Tomorrow is already the first day of 2007. *scream* I have so much work to do! Haha :)

            I usually say the first of the year never means anything to me, but I always have a warm and fuzzy feeling inside when midnight rolls around that this year is going to be better than the year befo

          • Anticipation of 2007

            Everybody keeps asking me, "So, what are ya doing for New Years?" And after tell them I'm staying at home and doing nothing they look at me like I have an arm growing out of my face. I'm just not in the mood to go out and get stupid drunk and act like an idiot.

          • MERRY CHRISTMAS!

            I think I overdosed on sugar :(
            I don't have time to write much...gotta spend time with the in-laws :(

          • Routines. And Failed Secret Santa.

            Drawn Together is the funniest show I've ever watched. I'm starting a new habit now where I go work out really late then when I come home Drawn Together is always playing on Adult Swim. Good times.

            Christmas is almost here! Christmas has always been a really big deal to my

          • Dread To Be Different

            I worked on over 50 interview questions for 4 hours today! I've never worked on an interview that long before. I can't wait to show everyone!

            Other than that I just did some stuff with my sister and her husband in preparation for Christmas.

            I can

          • Shaved

            What a busy day! I'm nearly completed with my Christmas shopping, cleaned the house, made an appearance at my sister's Christmas party, Picnic and I made 2 videos for my site and shot a set of photos, and now I'm baking a gingerbread cake from scratch. When I say scratch, I real

          • Christmas is approaching

            For the first time in my life, I walked into Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom and the staff was actually nice to me. They even waited on me and opened up a register for me so I didn't have to stand in line! I'm so happy being 'alt' is in I can dress the way I want an

          • Mentos and Diet Coke

            I got all dressed up to go hang out in a drug store parking lot and drop Mentos into a bottle of Diet Coke and watch it explode everywhere.

            Actually the Diet Coke thing is really awesome. I know I just kinda made it sound dull but it was really stupidly entertaining.


          • nothing
            Starting today I'm seeing how long I can go without leaving my house at all. No shopping, no trips to the gym, no 10pm runs to Target to get a double broiler...nothing.

            I haven't cared for long hair in so long that I forgot about the constant maintenance...and now it's gett

          • "It's Christmas and we're all miserable"

            I've been attaching rhinestones to one of my friend's Christmas gifts for three hours and the fumes from the glue are making me feel kinda loopy.

            My wrists are covered in burns from my oven. I look like an emo kid that didn't get the job done. I guess I should take i

          • Torri!

          • Dinosaur

          • Fck sleep.

            I've been up for 35 hours and I could probably keep going.

            I have an important meeting tomorrow morning at 9:00 so it would be really great if I could fall asleep now.

            My hair is long now :) My brother-in-law told me if anyone messes with me, I can just flip my hair

          • Vault

          • Porn Convention at the Airport Holiday Inn...nice.

            RABBIT RABBIT!

            If you're in the Houston area or planning to travel here around New Years, Picnic and I are throwing another party for the re-launch of his website and the one year anniversary of my site :)

            I've been up 24 hours straight. My day has been filled w

        • November
          • Too much food

          • Torri In Christmasland

            I'm getting extensions again. Now my hair can be all silky and long and pretty and girly. Speaking of girly, I noticed more girls have been joining my site lately than boys. That's pretty hot. <3

          • Torri's Secret

          • Thanksgiving Eve

            So since I won't be here tomorrow, Happy Thanksgiving <3

          • I love life.

          • Christmas tree

            I put up my Christmas tree today. I know it's way too early but since half of the block already has lights up outside I thought it might be appropriate. And it already has gifts underneath it. I get a warm and fuzzy feeling when I stand by my little tree. And I'm sure in three weeks

          • It's over!

            Day ten comes to a close, and my second master cleanse is complete. :)

            I was out shopping most of the day. I can't stop! It's like I traded eating for spending money.

            I really miss green tea and ginger snaps. I also miss rose oil in vanilla soy milk. I'm no

          • Day 9!

            Yay yay yay! Tonight is the night of day 9 so that makes tomorrow day 10 which is one day closer to consuming something that isn't made of lemons!
            I spent half an hour tonight trying to make my grocery list perfect...I can't wait to chew again! Holy crap this is almost more exci

          • Day 6

            The clock strikes midnight and...

            Day 6 is complete. Kinda.

            Today was the first day since I started where I feel wonderful. When I walk outside I can smell the fresh baked bread from the bread factory a mile down the road. I'm regaining my strength and al

          • The Master Cleanse

            The master cleanse has put me out of commission for the last four days.

            Today was day 5.

          • Nos

            Let's see...I woke up at 2pm to the sound of Picnic banging his light stands together... then I stumbled downstairs to the warehouse to meet our new guests. I hope my penguin pants and smeared makeup helped contribute towards making a good first impression.

            The model was sweet.

          • Another day

            I listened to a lot of terrible music today. When Picnic and I go out to clubs, there's always someone in a local band that runs up to him and gives him a cd and starts ranting about why he should shoot their band...we finally got around to listening to the cd's today and they were a

          • Accidents happen =/

          • Friday.

            I'm becoming more obsessed with gift baskets. I asked the universe to send me more gift basket catalogs in the mail, and poof. More catalogs.

            Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching. Being a vegetarian and living in Texas makes this holiday kinda unappealing. If I don't spend

          • A shitty Halloween driving back from shitty Dallas

            I was on the road for over ten hours yesterday.

            There was one point around 11:30pm when I accidentally turned onto the service road instead of the freeway, and was stuck on that road for about ten minutes.'s Halloween night, I'm in the middle of nowhere, hardl

        • October
          • Happy Halloween!

          • You are the masterpiece of your own life.

            Well, I'm going to a casting call tomorrow. I haven't been to one of those since I was 15. Usually I just work with someone who is 100 percent sure they wanna use me. So we'll see how that goes...

            Hmm...what else...Halloween is tomorrow! So that's pretty exciting

          • Adrianne!

            Halloween is almost here! I love going out to the grocery store or a coffee shop and seeing people all dressed up in their costumes on their way to a party.

          • Hardcore show

          • Gross

            Good news : Everything in my life is awesome. Even little things just seem so much better than they used to be. And once I get my business caught up I've decided to enroll in community service on the weekends. My favorite holiday is coming up too. I love giving people gifts :) And I get t

          • South Beach madness!

            WOW. I didn't know I was capable of drinking as much as I did last night. When in Rome!

            I also shot some crazy hot sets with another model from Miami. We had to wrap her face up the whole time cause she's got some really huge campaign booked and if her agency saw her naked

          • I love it here

            So we're staying in a really nice condo in South Beach.

            And I was picked up from the airport in a chromed out Hummer.

            The weather is beautiful.

            This is AWESOME.

          • anxiety

            Hi :)

            Well, I went out last night. At first I was really nervous and felt like I was walking into a snake pit, but I just shook it off and watched the show. And I ended up having a good time :) Later I got to meet everyone from the band that Picnic was shooting. They were really nic

          • Teye

            Picnic shot our new friend Teye today. I was in charge of make-up and styling. It was awesome! We dressed her up in all pink (my favorite color) and then she became well acquainted with a gallon of strawberry milk. At one point in the shoot I stood off to the side and threw milk across her bod

          • New lady friend

            Today I met a lovely young woman named Teye who Philip will be shooting tomorrow. Picnic and I are very home-bodied so it's rare that I meet new friends outside of the internet. But anyhoo, she let me borrow some books on numerology and I'm really starting to get into it. Dem some cr

          • mondays

            Wow, it's still raining! I went out to check the mail and it looks like a small moat is forming around the house. That would have been really cute/scary if a little alligator was swimming around in the mini moat protecting all that dwell inside of 'Casa Del Picnic'. Unfortunatel

          • Rainy Day

            The weather channel suggests some rainy day fun activities, including making a fort out of a kitchen table, having an indoor picnic, and making a list of everything that makes you happy.

            I decided to sleep all day. Literally...I got out of bed to eat once, go to the bathroom a few t

          • boredom.

            I just found out I'm going to Miami next weekend! I've heard terrible things about Miami. Oh well though. I can make the best of almost any situation :)

            It's been raining all day. The rain always makes me soooo sleeeepy. But I keep truckin. Ursulla, Picnic, and I are

          • Partay haaaay!

          • flamer

            I spent an hour today trying to balance myself on a big rubber exercise ball.

            Before I buy a new car I thought I would paint my old one and make it look as scary as possible. I went out today and bought all of the supplies for the new paint job on my van. Picnic will be helping me

          • Mykal Binds

          • VanDolls!

            Yay! My new purse came today from VanDolls :

            I love it when little kids walk up to

          • Things I Love

          • Wake up Houston

            The city of Houston shuts down between the hours of 2:30AM - 5:30AM. I never see any cars, I never see any people (crackheads don't count), no businesses are open except gas stations, and the streets would be pitch black if it weren't for street lights. And I live in a stone's t

          • Pierce your ride, trashbag.

        • September
          • Bubble Bubble
            Toil and trouble

          • RIP Favorite Sweater

          • Into the pants. Not my mouth, but the pants.

            I made peanut butter filled brownie cupcakes again tonight. This time I added pink icing and sprinkles.

            And I put one down my pants for photos 0_o.

            My sister cut Queensryche's hair the other day. They recognized one of my photos hanging in the salon. Exce

          • Too many Tabs.

            I finished making my leopard pants today. *squeal* They're my favorite pants now. I'll post photos tomorrow.

            My friend Royce and I shot together tonight. He had this wacky idea to do a set where I'm dressed up as an evil clown. Ya know, I would never do it...but I tho

          • Three Year Anniversary

          • I love my track suit.

            Today I took photos of myself wearing my gold track suit and sent them to friends and family. Then I went out and bought some Halloween socks adorned with little bells and light-up pumpkins. Then I ate some steamed broccoli and Oreos and took a nap.

            Wow. This is the happiest I'

          • Back home.

            Wow. I can't believe I haven't slept yet.

            Back home now. The dog chewed on the house some more. The mailbox was overflowing. I have so much stuff to do.

          • Photos photos photos!

            I don't ever want to leave this magical place.

          • I love Steen

          • I love it here

          • Los Angeles

          • Gravity

            Tonight I asked Picnic if we could take some photos where I'm flipping my hair around all crazy. Of course he said yes so I went and put on my face, strapped on my shoes, and threw on a long black wig. Let me tell ya, it never works the same when the long hair isn't real. Every time

          • Fetish Photo Box

          • Back in Black

          • New Glasses!

          • His gallery is tonight!

            Hello everyone :)

            I talked to Picnic on the phone from Philadelphia. It sounds like the opening night at the gallery went really well! I'm so proud of him and how much his photography has evolved since he first started. Love love love. Ok, I'll stop being all sappy now.
          • Support a Picnic!

            RABBIT RABBIT!

            If you didn't know, we give everyone the opportunity to win a membership to every month. Here's this month's contest : HERE.


        • August
          • Tartan

          • Negative Exposure and

          • Fuck the Police

            Today I got tickets for the following :

            Driving in Violation of TDL Rest. A (not wearing glasses or contacts)

            Obscured License Plate due to Bracket

            Failure to Est. Financial Resp. (no proof of insurance)

            I have insurance. I just couldn't find it

          • Dress surgery

          • Ebay

          • Painful Pleasures

          • sweet apnea tatz

          • Snakes On A Plane!

            Picnic and I saw Snakes on a Plane tonight. *giggle*

            There was one guy dressed as a plane and another guy dressed as a snake and the snake kept chasing the plane. :) I had rubber snakes in my hair and in my pants. Everytime a climactic scene would happen my friends and I would throw

          • Crazy Hair

            Help! The video games are taking over my life!

            Not really...but I should stop playing so much and get back to work.

            Picnic and I bought an espresso maker today. To our close friends and family that means, "Dear God they'll both be junked out on caffe

          • Violet

            I watched Homeward Bound tonight.


            I cried a little when Shadow ran into the backyard at the very end of Homeward Bound. I'm getting kinda teary just thinking about it right now.

            I'm gonna go hug my dog now.

          • Snakes on an Apnea

            Get into it.

          • new ink

          • Distorted Retina

          • Apneatic Myspace Layout

          • SINched and Picnic Relief Fund

        • July
          • Back home!

            I love lamp.

            I also love my teapot and my necklaces and my tea sampler and all of the other birthday gifts from you all - thank you so much :)

          • Mexico

            I love Mexico :)

            I'm taking this party to the streets.

          • PARTY HAT

          • My 21st birthday!

          • Return to routine

            I'm going to Mexico next week! I can't wait <3

            Everything was kinda crazy the last two weeks and it's finally going back to normal.

            -and by kinda crazy I mean Philip and I almost terminated our contract. But that won't happen for real until 2008.
          • Dave Ashlock

          • Hustle

            So like every other normal 20 year old, I stayed home tonight and watched my friend bake cookies while my other friend played some Warcraft looking game on the computer. Yea. I ended up spending most of the night on the porch. It was amaizng, Lemme tell ya. Actually, I'll spar

          • My sister is married!

            I just got back from my sister's wedding - I had so much fun! I didn't get to stay to see all of the bands cause I had to get back to the house to shoot some pretty pictures but for the time I was there it was nice!

            Now I gotta think about what I'm doing for my birthd

          • HELLO KITTY!

          • Croissant Boy

            Brace yourself for the making of Croissant Boy. Muahaha!
            He has facial features made out of licorice rope anchored with eye stabbing toothpicks. In fact, he is bursting with load bearing toothpicks. He tastes like butter but he looks like death.

            Coming soon to the Videos sectio

          • How It's Made

            I'm at a friend's house right now. He's playing his piano while I write this. He said I need suspenseful music while I tell you all how my day went. :) I think I should always have a pianist while writing my journal entry but that's probably not possible.


          • Firework Day!

            There's lots of pretty explosions down the street. My friend and I are gonna sit in the street and watch everything. :) Goodnite!

          • party hard party hard party hard

            Picnic and I stocked up on lots of fun fireworks tonight! Hopefully we can use some of them for a photoshoot. I've owned this really gaudy american flag printed corset for two years and I never shot in it. I guess now is the time. :)

          • Bridal shower in a few minutes

        • June
          • sick *sneeze*

            Mr. Picnic is sick too. :( I offered to grab my notebook and watch a movie in bed with him in bed. Then he says, "Let's watch Tron!" I thought about it for a few minutes and wondered if I had just made a really bad decision but then I decided to give it a shot since I've ne

          • Crazy Vacbed Parties

          • Belladonna

          • Bakok!

          • Texas Heat

          • back home

            Well, we're back in Houston. It's hot and humid. My dog's head looks bigger for some reason. The flight was ok. We had a layover in Phoenix for a few hours. I bought a coloring book and some crayons for the first time in ten years and colored a few pages.

            I might be g

          • LA update

            We finished shooting the music video today in Van Nuys. Vice showed up while they were filming me all bloody and beaten with a gun pointed in my face. Somehow the production manager guy talked the cop into leaving us alone, so all went well :) I love the people I worked with and I really hope

          • Zao music video shoot

            I had so much fun today! The video was shot in the mountains which kinda sucked cause of all of the flies and the cow poo and the blistering sun...speaking of sun, I have some of the weirdest tan lines I've ever had...anyways, I'm really excited about how it's gonna turn out. On

          • New magazine cover!

          • Back in LA

          • Back to LA!

            My flight leaves at 8am tomorrow. I've got my luggage completely packed so all I have to do in the morning is roll out of bed and do my best to make it to the airport on time. I'm always late to the early morning flights! This trip should be lots of fun :). I'm trying to talk Pi

          • Back to LA?

            Whoa...I just found out I'm going back out to Los Angeles on Thursday to be in a music video. The treatment sounds really cool - I'm gonna be a zombie bride :) The only other music video I was in was for a christian rock band and I had to keep my tattoo covered in gauze. If the owner

          • Daddy's Girl

          • Godzilla attack!

          • All this work is confusing me

          • workaholic

          • I love vacbeds

          • Aprella is here!

            I bought some new pink rimmed aviators. They make me look oh-so fly. =P

            I also went with my friend Jill to the airport to pick up Aprella.
            I'm so happy to see her! We sat around for a few hours tonight

          • Hussar Workshop

            I didn't go to bed until really late last night. But today Picnic and I were still able to spend a few hours walking around the city before I had to start the second half of my sitting for Michael's workshop dvd.
            The lollipop that they made me to match the painting started out b

        • May
          • Flash Floods
            The day started out kinda bad. Houston started flash flooding :( Picnic and I missed our 8AM flight but luckily we were able to get onto the next flight.

            I shaved off my eyebrows. It's not as bad as I thought it would be but it's still really crazy.

            I just finished a

          • Big wig

            So much to do before I leave tomorrow morning...
            I have my Daddy's Girl wig constructed. I have all materials. I still need to pack. I still need to walk the dog.

            I'm very excited and very tired. It's 3:30 AM - I'm gonna take a nap before I have to do a bunc

          • Prop shopping

          • My new favorite set

          • Heavy Red Fashion Show

          • Gossip

            Seems there's a bit of gossip and guessing flying around, I've gotten a few
            emails this week about some things I would like to clear up.

            First of all, I graduated from high school May of 2002. I moved out of my parents house and started college August of 2002. I met P

          • Michael Hussar!

          • massage

            Hello :)

            My friend gave me a massage this morning and I thought I was gonna die from relaxation. She's the coolest.

            I tried to take accounting back in the fall but my teacher couldn't speak english well and most of the students ended up dropping the class...anyw

          • booooo

            Boo :( I think I have a stomach virus. I've been in bed all day with a trash bag next to the bed. Lots of people have been getting it around here. Luckily it only lasts 24 hours.

            Except for that I didn't do much today. Just thinking about stuff. I guess that's all I c

          • Getting to know Petey


            I couldn't take Petey running with me today cause he's too out of control. Instead I was only able to walk him around the neighborhood yelling "no" every 45 seconds when he would walk in front of me. It made me kinda sad being so firm but I know it's

          • Meet Petey.

            His first owner used to fight him with other dogs. One day he jumped the fence to get away from that mean man and was hit by a car when he bolted into the street. My friend found him in the street and took him into her home. She couldn't keep him forever though - her house is tiny a

          • I'm in love

            Today I fell in love with a pit bull named Petey. His tail wags so hard that it knocks stuff over and he has the cutest smile. He looks like a cow and has a black circle around one eye. I think he would make a good jogging partner. I'll keep you posted on the details but odds are we'

          • oh no =(

          • Green Tea Madness

            It's Green Tea madness over here. I drink green tea all day and break during lunch for an iced soy green tea latte. I have my green tea perfume and I just discovered Williams-Sonoma has green tea soap, lotion, and all sorts of stuff. I'm in love. And a bit obsessed.

            No wor

          • lame.

            Hmm. I don't wanna say I've had a bad day but not a lot of good happened.

            I bought some new lip gloss that smells like vanilla frosting to calm my nerves.
            Because you see, lip gloss = crack.

            I was working on my computer and out of nowhere sharp pains jolted

          • Happy Mother's Day!

            Happy Mother's Day!

            My mom and I went out for lunch today. It was really difficult choosing something off of the menu because of my new diet preferences but I finally decided on two big bottles of spring water and lots of vegetable soup. After that we went shopping and I picked

          • Flesh Fetish Photography

          • I got it back!

            Everything is sorted out with the bank and I'll be getting all my money back soon :) I'm very happy about that.

            I don't have any crazy plans for tonight - I'll probably just stay at home and try baking that ginger cake I keep writing about. I love baking so much

          • My bank sucks.

            Ugh. Some girl supposedly named Michelle from Dallas has fake checks and used them to drain my bank account. I've been on the phone with the bank for soooo long. These people are not impressing me.

            "Hmm...well, that's not your name and that doesn't look like your

          • Poison

            Shucks. I forgot that I had my dsl scheduled to turn off so I could switch to a cable connection. I don't have my cable connection though so I have no internet. I'm writing this at work :( No internet makes me crazy! I actually have to go out of the house and do stuff now! That'

          • Boring Tuesday




            I think Tuesday is more boring than Monday. At least Monday represents the beginning of the work week. Nothing is special about Tuesday. Tuesday means I went to work, went running, went grocery shopping, read a

          • I'm up too late

            My internet was out all night. Luckily before I gave up to go to sleep it turned back on, so everything is ok now. Only thing is my vocabulary skills might not be that great right now because my brain needs sleep and my back wants to go out from sitting on a stool for so long.


          • Jitterbug

          • crack lips

            I was supposed to go to a party tonight but I forgot about it until just now. No, really - I just remembered it about 20 seconds before I typed the first sentence of this journal entry. Holy crap - they even had me on the flyers. My face is red.

            So I bet you are all wondering where

          • Cinco De Mayo!

          • Grass pollen can blow me.
            Picnic shot Rob Zombie tonight - and I'm lucky enough to be sitting next to him while he sorts thru his photos :) Rob Zombie is wearing the coolest jacket! It looks like its made of leather with a glowy skeleton painted on it.

            Sometimes I take my gum out of my mouth and put it on Pic

          • Green tea gets me jacked!

            And I definitely drank too much of it today. Yea, I feel great now but in less than an hour I'm gonna crash really hard.
            Remember the Bushwhacker set? That was really shot in a corner of Picnic's yard. No, really! It was like a mighty jungle! And Picnic chopped it all down tonig

          • New webcam!

            It's May already!? Whoa!

            I bought the neatest webcam today. It has lots of fancy features and it follows me so I stay in the picture even if I move around :) Maybe once I play with it a bit and get it all set up I can play checkers with members or we can have a tea party via vi

        • April
          • Fork!

          • Flashback waves

            Although I've lived in Houston my entire life, my cell phone has a Los Angeles area code.

            Flashback waves

            I flew out to California back in September to shoot with Matthew Cooke. When I landed at LAX I turned on my Nokia POS only to discover that my battery was going

          • I still have a real job

            I can't believe April is almost over already. I've been staring at a basket of peeps and Easter candy wondering what to do with it now that I don't eat junk like that anymore. I've been tempted to just sample some but that's how it starts huh... First ones free.

          • Fetish Fitness

            Someone emailed me once suggesting I try working out while wearing a corset. Well, I tried it today. I only tightened it to 21" though because this is the first time I've ever done anything like it.

            The results : I've never done push-ups so flawlessly in my life. Sit-

          • I quit smoking?

            I haven't smoked in over two weeks. I also can't seem to kick this little annoying cough I've had ever since I quit. At least coughing is better than cancer.
            Funny...instead of half a pack of Camels each day I go thru half a pack of pink chewing gum. :)

            I beat my

          • At the Salon

          • Nicolla

          • McMangle

            I watched Supersize Me this afternoon. I won't depress anyone with the details or make a political statement but it was really interesting and just what I needed to see coming off this 10 day fast to solidify my resolve against falling back into old eating habits.

            On a more pos

          • Annika!

          • First day back

            I can eat again. WooooO! I am so tired right now. I didn't go running until 8 pm tonight then had to go grocery shopping after that because I can eat again (wooooO!). It's 11:30pm now and we didn't get home until an hour ago.
            So tired. sooooooo very tired. I still need to t

          • Day Ten

            The cheesecake brownies I made yesterday were a hit :) I froze two little pieces for Picnic and me so we can try them on Saturday.

            Today is the last day of the cleanse - woohoo! Now I'm supposed to ease my way back to solid food by drinking nothing but orange juice for 36 hours

          • Day Nine

            I made cheesecake brownies today because sometimes I like to torture myself. I even have blisters on my hands from beating the cream cheese and other ingredients with a wire whisk instead of an electric mixer. I didn't lick the spatula or even try a tiny piece so I have no idea how they t

          • Day Eight

            Site admin Jesus and I are doing lots behind the scenes to make this place even more user-friendly. Unfortunately that requires long hours in front of a computer and lots of ass-hurting. Damn you, chair!

            Today is day 8 of the master cleanse. The constant thoughts of food are back an

          • Day Seven

          • Day Six

            My mom came into town this morning toting an Easter basket full of different chocolates, candy and nuts that I can't touch for almost another week. I can't wait until I can taste that stuff!

            Later on my mom and I went along with my sister to help her choose her wedding dre

          • Day Five

            I've had so much energy today! Aside from my inbox having way too many emails that demand a reply, I tied up lots of loose ends - and even had time to go see a movie tonight courtesy of my friends Ursulla and Mr. Powers. When Mr. Powers described it to me at first I thought it sounded kin

          • Day Four

            Day 4 : Today was so much better than the last three days. I didn't want food at all but I feel so weak. In fact, I'm struggling to sit up and type this entry.

            If you'll excuse me, I need to go sleep for a very long time. <3

          • Day Three

          • Day Two

            All I could think about today was pizza and baked tomatoes stuffed with cheesy/veggy rice. I miss solid food so much and it's only been two days.

            When I started running I would wear an old t-shirt, khakis cut off at the knee, and combat boots. I figured if the boots were good e

          • My first master cleanse

            Day one complete. Nine more days of nothing but lemonade and my morning salt water. Delicious!

            I ran a bunch of errands today and finished everything before 6pm. This is the first time in so long that I've had the night to catch up on some other stuff on the "B" To-do

          • Still? Seriously?

            I'm tired of being sick.
            Picnic and I have been tossing around the idea of trying 'the master cleanse' for a few weeks. Tonight we finally snapped and drove to Whole Foods at 8pm. By 9pm the backseat of the car was covered in bags of organic lemons and jugs of spring water.

          • Guess what?
            Yep! I'm still sick.

            Even though I'm sick I still got out of bed, composed myself as much as possible (which isn't much), and went down to the salon to work. Today was a wedding party...the bride looked horrified when she saw who was doing her makeup..muahahhaa. I was tippe

          • so bad its good

            I've been laying in bed for eight hours watching really bad movies. I don't know what the hell I have. All I know is my throat is killing me and I'm so weak that even walking is painful. There's mini corn muffins to my left and lots of Sprite to my right. I'd really lo

          • i hate being sick

            Sore throat. Explosive pressure in my face. Everything tastes funny. Improper temperature. Why me.

            It seems like every year I'm around people at school or work who all get sick at the same time while I'm gallivanting around like I'm impenetrable to any virus or bacter

          • Against my will

            I'm moving soon to a secret undisclosed location. I spent the better part of the evening taping and painting trim in my underoos.

            I'm starting to peel from this weekend's sunburn. I enjoy peeling it off almost as much as I hate the itching dry feeling. Almost. Hate wi

          • too much beach
            So this is me : Sun burned. Tired. Thirsty. Cold and hot at once.

            I'm back in town now - I was with my mom all day yesterday about 50 miles outside of Houston. It was a very relaxing weekend filled with food, tv, and sand.

            The ice pack and bed are calling my name. They hav

          • chat love
            I had fun in the chat last night :) Thanks to all of ya'll who showed up!
            *Holy crap it was painful typing the cursed y word - you guys owe me hahaha*

            So Picnic and I are leaning towards going to Atlanta for our next trip...I'm trying to talk him into road-tripping it there

        • March
          • I drink too much

            Lalallalala another craaaaaazy Friday night watching pirated Christopher Walken SNL clips and sipping on wine - out of a jug *wink*.

            I get to go to the beach tomorrow! WOOOOOOOOOO I get to fry like an egg and get a bunch of sand in my pants and drink slushies and be merry.

          • wtf

            I have no idea how this is possible, but all 4 of my nipple piercings are still open. I haven't decided if I'll put the jewelry back in only because I don't remember the reason I took them out in the first place. I'm pretty sure it was a good reason but it still escapes me.

          • venting
            Me and my short fuse...either gets me where I need to go or some fatass high school dropout with bad highlights whose purpose in life is to curate a parade of strippers or drunk twenty-somethings with fake tits and an IQ of >80 to walk around topless sends me condescending text messages because h

          • date night

            I saw the new Johnny Depp movie, "Libertine" tonight it was sort of depressing. On a brighter note I had some peruvian fish type thing and a wonderful dinner with my favorite photographer tonight. I can't tell you who he is but his name starts with P and ends with icnic.
          • Horoscope

            So here's my daily horoscope.

            "Someone you've had some altercations with in the past has a big change of heart, and actually becomes your ally in a pressing matter. You've been hoping this would happen, but can you believe it? Trust your instincts."

          • shoes shoes shoes

            Shoes shoes shoes I love shoes I love shoes I'm getting three new pairs in the mail tomorrow wooohoooo! They all have really high heels and straps and fake diamonds and oodles of fun.

            Warning : Do not go grocery shopping when you're thirsty. I ended up buying a few gallons

          • St. Patrick's Day!

            St. Patrick's site admin is down the street at a local bar getting shit-faced off of Irish car bombs...Picnic is at sxsw in Austin...and I'm at home working on my taxes. Naked.

            No booze, just 1098's and 1099's and whatever other stupid forms that were ma

          • no more bushes

            Arugula tastes like a shrub. When I was 8 years old I used to pick the leaves off of plants and eat them. It was either because I wanted to be a brontosaurus or I wasn't getting enough attention.
            Today for lunch I had a shrub man, it was so awful. I'm laughing right n

          • New Gothic Beauty Cover

          • Hello Kitty

          • too excited

            I've been getting exciting news all week and I can't tell anyone about it yet. Christ, I feel like a little kid at Christmas and I just found out what my sister is getting but I can't tell her but I want to tell her soooo bad...

            I found out last night that I cannot be

          • The Blue Room

          • bad music

            Japanese punk music is some of the worst crap I've ever heard in my life.
            It's almost as bad as the white kind.

            Philip is drawing on my back right now and it feels so good that I could pass out on the keyboard.

            I knew a guy in high school that masturbated w

          • You want me to go where?

            It was a slow start this morning...later in the day I went over to my sister's house and did absolutely nothing - which I felt terrible about the whole time but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to get off of the couch.

            During my adventures of couch land I watched ha

          • Perry and Annika

            I shot with Perry Gallagher and Annika this morning. Yay :)
            I'm in such a good mood today! Wooooo I love days like this! So I've been doing my pilates a loooot lately because I freaked out and thought I was getting bigger and now my muscles are starting to get really toned again

          • Texas Latex Party

            Los Skarnales is playing at my sister's wedding. That's the most amazing thing I've heard all week.

            *gratuitous name dropping! gratuitous name dropping! gratuitous name dropping!*

            Lithium Picnic and I went to dinner with Tressa and Scott from Fierce Couture

          • consumerism

            My socks look like little furry bears :D

            I saw a cake mold at Bed Bath & Beyond that was shaped like a castle. I stood in front of the castle-shaped mold for about ten minutes before finally deciding that $30 was too much for that thing.

            But it haunts me.


          • cutest thing ever

          • rabbit rabbit

            Helen Keller said it best...

            "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure."

            I lost a few thousand dollars today. M

        • February
          • normal life

            Here ya go...chew on some half-witted drivel tonight and let me know how it tastes....ooooh yeaaaaaa.....

            Philip and I talked about evolution and dinosaurs for over an hour. I like the stegosaurus because it eats lots of plants and it's covered in triangles. Philip likes the br

          • lame life is good life

            In addition to Clue last night we also played Monopoly. Towards the end of the game I had this crazy idea to try and reenact one of my favorite scenes from Chappelle's Show. Does anyone remember Ashy Larry from the world tournament of dice? Anyways, I went in the kitchen and put some flou

          • Crazy Horse

          • nothing really.

            I'm so in love. I want to stand on top of a mountain with a megaphone and yell about it.

            I also bought a new latex skirt today :D
            I don't think enough people layer latex with other fabrics...on one hand it is really hard to pull off but on the other hand if you can pu

          • 5 Thought Day

            1. My site admin Jesus and I were designing merch today. This is all so exciting :)

            2. Have you seen the new video we posted? If you listen closely you can hear te camera man laughing. Hahah!

            3. I haven't been able to go jogging the past few days because it's so

          • Great day!

          • so goth

          • midis

            The site admin and I are listening to the worst midi files we've ever heard and laughing hysterically. One of these has to go on my 'about me' page.

            Oh man, this is so bad it's good. You know what's sad? Most of these are better than some of the Myspace band

          • Fatty Fat Fat

          • Canary

          • Goth Karaoke

          • Tyler

            Is tomorrow the Super Bowl? Hah! I'm not a big sports fan.
            But anyways, I had a shoot with Mizz Tyler from Heavy Red tonight. Actually I'm still over at her house - we just finished shooting lots of pretty clothes :)
            I think tonight is gonna be one of those nights where I d

          • still sick =(

          • sick

            Someone in my family is really sick. I spent the afternoon trying my best to take care of them. Luckily one of my best friends is a nurse, so she was able to help me lots and lots and lots. Everyone should stop getting sick right now. :

          • weird

            Whoa...I'm over at my friend's house right now and he has his Favorites folders showing on the side of the screen. He's into some crazy stuff.
            My brain feels frozen. I think I need some ZZzzzZz's.
            Zeeze! I need those! I'm not making any sense anymore.

        • January
          • The first month is over!

            Wow, time to archive an entire month of journal entries already.

            The site has been open almost a month now! GEEZ! It doesn't seem like it's been that long. I'm getting all emotional now just thinking about it. I have to tell myself not to cry. :P

            I think I

          • Thrifting!

          • Girls like presents on Valentine's Day

          • Gummis do it better

          • Boredom

          • 5 Fun Facts

            -It's 10:30 PM now. I woke up an hour ago from an 8 hour nap.
            -One of our computers is making really strange noises.
            -I own more lip gloss/balm than anyone I know.
            -"March of the Penguins" is a more effective sleeping aid than Trazodone.
            -I cut off a unicorn&

          • All-nighter

            I'm pulling an all-nighter. Our flight leaves insanely early so we're just gonna take photos and try to fix the rental car until it's time to drive out to LAX. We scratched the crap out of the car on some plants when we were backing out of a driveway a few days ago...bad for bus

          • not the way it used to be

            One more day after tonight and I'll be going back home. Now that I've been here awhile I wanna stay longer. Ha!
            About two years ago I shot in this little motel in Burbank that was all retro and photogenic, and when we went back today it looked so jank and I

          • calling out ZIZ on this one

            I took some of the best pictures today that I've ever taken. I can't wait to show everyone.
            There's also an interesting article in this month's version of Jane magazine with some quotes from yours truly. Also, if anyone subscribes to Bust, there's a bi

          • Wigs!

            Oh, the insanity!
            Actually, it's not insane at all.
            I tried on a bunch of wigs earlier and I've come to the conclusion that I should always keep my hair short. Obviously I need some variations for photos but for that everyday look, it should stay short and all sticking out

          • Wrong Way

            We drove the wrong way down some street today and ended up in Mulholland Park...I don't know if I spelled that correctly. Anyways, it was really neat. I never do any tourist stuff when I come here, so that was cool.
            Back to work! Work work work! BLARGH.

          • Yay pretty people

            Good evening :)
            It was another exciting day. I had a cup of tea with some great people including Miss Conduct - you can see her stuff here. Jeffree Star came over too. It was so amazing that I could barely stand it.
            I'm gonna go upload some photos for my members to see. Goodnite

          • Scar!

            Ok, so technically it's Sunday in Hawaii or somewhere over there.
            Sooooo the flight to Los Angeles was actually decent...Mr. Picnic and I watched a penguin movie on the way here. I love this crazy town. I had a great shoot with Mr. Steve today and with a really pretty lady named Scar

          • We leave soon!

            My flight leaves in a few hours!
            I just realized that I can't do a webcam update next week, so I decided to queue up some totally amazing and excellent sets for everyone whie I'm gone. Catsuits and red couches and stuff...
            I'm gonna go pack. Until tomorrow...

          • Elegy and Isabelle

          • worker ant

            I'm actually gonna take a break from work to go see a movie tonight about some gay cowboys on some mountain....maybe. If I can fix the site in time.'s looking like no gay cowboys for apnea.

            I heard from an old friend this morning. That made me happy.
          • Fun with the new site

            Good grief. It's 11:30 pm and I just woke up from a 7-hour nap. Is that even considered a nap? Ack, my sleep schedule is all backwards. Why do I find it so much easier to stare at a computer screen for hours at a time when it's dark outside? Beats me.
            Did you all know that some

          • Hangover.

          • So far so good!

            LIVE LIVE LIVE!



          • Site please go live tonight...

            I hope my site goes live tonight. If it doesn't...I'll do nothing but I'll be disappointed.

            My launch party is on Friday...I'm kinda nervous about meeting people. I've always been really shy and that translates as "bitch" to most people. So heads