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XOXO, Apnea
Hiss Cat 

new painting by Amber Carr

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when I was introduced to the internet 
When I'm cleaning the house I usually have my headphones on and I look like a fool bouncing around and singing to myself, but fuck it because nobody can see me. But anyways, I was washing the dishes tonight and listening to music and I heard my aim bell go off in my headphones and it made me think about how far my affair with the internet has gone and how I'm always connected to it in some way. I've always got my phone on me, I'm logged into aim, gmail, twitter and facebook just about 24 hours a day but not even looking at it, but wherever I am, unless my phone is burning in a fire and I'm in a room with no internet connection I'm always there.

It started in either 1994 or 1995 when we were in Louisiana visiting family, and uncle Jimmy had aol. I was fascinated by it. At that point I didn't know anything about the internet besides aol, I thought the internet was something that aol made up. There were these amazing chat rooms and I could play internet pool with other people, then we had to leave town and it's all I thought about. Then sometime in 1995 we got the internet in our house! We had Net TV, does anyone remember that? It's internet through the television and you have to use a gigantic remote control to type and navigate. And it was only hooked up through my mom's room, so every day after school I grabbed the bag of oreos and went to her bed to go play internet pool.

Later we got internet on a computer like normal human beings, and I think it was 1997 when I got my first aim screen name. I think it was Zoezella or xXImBoLiCXx or something totally gay but xXREALLYXx cool to a 12 year old. From then on after school I would grab the bag of oreos and go into the guest bedroom where we had the computer and stay on aim all day and ask jeeves things about bipolar disorder until my mom came home from work.

I ate a lot of oreos. I also got really into Key Maps and duplicating the streets of the neighborhood to scale with lego pieces. One time I built all the roads to get from my house to a friend's house downwtown in legos. All of the freeways were going across my floor the length of my bed.

end story. begin photos

Washington DC. Photos by Steve Prue. Dana Delaney on makeup. Click and they xXGROWXx

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a really good day to read other things 
I recently reconnected with an old, I don't know if I call her acquaintance or friend, I always wanted to be her friend but whether I really was or not, I don't know....let's say we were internet pals. Two naked internet ladies. Except she disappeared and by the graces of God emailed me a couple months ago and I can say she really does feel like a friend now. She even calls me Mandy still ^.^

It turns out not only is she a total babe but she's also super ultra mega talented and she painted me. My jaw seriously dropped when I saw this and her other paintings...

*click it yo, it grows*

Check her out and keep up with her and her husband HERE.

We also have Amy Fries and Corwin Prescott as our GUEST WZRDS on late night feelings, and so far their blogs have been hilarious and epic. Go read about Amy's sex parties from college or Corwin's uncle creepin' on Facebook.

And the third and final thing you should look at today besides my blog is an interview I did for Yuhmm.

Shitty vodka mixed with cheap Sav-n-Go orange juice may be a cheap Friday night buzz. However, we’re thankful for the concoction because it may have very well kicked off the illustrious modeling career of the enchanting Apnea. Always one to push the creative envelope, the world-renown alt & fetish model continues to blossom both personally and professionally. We catch up the alluring Apnea as she tells it like it is – honest and sincere. We’ll drink to that – even if it’s shitty vodka and cheap oj.

Yuhmm - TASTE IT yo and read the rest here

*click it*

*photo by Corwin Prescott, possibly for sale soon*


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