And, if you like what you see here and you want to access all of my uncensored photos and videos, head on over to!
XOXO, Apnea
Holy crap I just shaved Tabitha Deepthroat's head for a super sweet video. I'm so happy now. She's such an awesome model.
I was supposed to fly home...right now...but I decided to stay an extra day. I feel kinda sick and I hate being rushed so it just makes more sense to do it that way. This city is so clean and it feels so safe, I'm not used to it! I need to go back to being scared when I walk down the street.
I'm sooo tired. I've only been sleeping three hours a night, and taking little cat naps throughout the day whenever I can grab one. Although the stuff I'm doing while I'm awake is super cool so it's okay that I'm going to be a zombie by the time I get home. Like shaving people's heads...I've always wanted to do that, so much that I even thought about shaving my own head just so I could get to do it. Obviously that never happened.
I miss Ursulla Fredrika and her E! updates. She keeps all of the televisions in her 7,000 square foot house synchronized to the E! channel so she always has the latest information on all the scandals. And I like the way she tells the stories, I asked her if she would even write a little news section on my site :)
My sister was supposed to have a baby two days ago. That means he's gonna be here any day now, AWWWW! Then I'll be an aunt! AWWW!
Ride or die!
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Benni's memorial service was beautiful, it was interesting to meet some people I've talked to online. I met one DN member that rode his bike there but somehow his suit looked perfect. That was seven different kinds of impressive. I saw Erin and her friends from NYC who flew into town last night. Erin and Benni were really close to each other, it was strange because they met each other in person for the first time in Houston and there I was again to see Erin saying goodbye to Benni, kinda, for the last time. That choked me up :(
It makes me smile knowing Picnic captured her beauty and her personality so well in his pictures. That way even though she's gone people can continue to see what a beautiful person she was.
Razorfist is taking me out AGAIN. I'm gonna blow my brains out if I have to keep going out every night like this. I swear to God he likes watching me squirm in public. Everyone's eyes burning into my skin...gahhlgla;dgjdsg holy crap I'm not used to this.
I better take a nap before I go back out. The plan is to fly back to Houston tomorrow.
In case you were wondering,John Warner made it back to Santa Cruz, he sent us phone pics from the Grand Canyon and told us he got a ticket and two flat tires in the 19,000 miles he drove. So ladies ladies ladies, if you're in the San Francisco area you should really shoot with him before he comes back to Houston.
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The flight wasn't bad at all, thank God. After I got into town Razorfist took me back to his swank apartment and forced me by gunpoint to get dressed up so he can take me to some of his favorite late night places. Okay, not really by gunpoint but he refused to let me stay home and watch cartoons like I normally do on a Saturday night. I had so much fun though. He took me to First Avenue and I danced on the stage where Prince performed in Purple Rain. Then he took me to a 24 hour sex shop where I met this really nice lady...
She was kinda stiff...I like her boobs though.
I met lots of pretty Minneapolis ladies that said they would shoot with me. There's one girl I'm really excited about that said I could shave her head on Tuesday. Even though this trip came about for a sad reason it's nice to know I'll still have some fun times. =D
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