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      • Fork!

      • Flashback waves

        Although I've lived in Houston my entire life, my cell phone has a Los Angeles area code.

        Flashback waves

        I flew out to California back in September to shoot with Matthew Cooke. When I landed at LAX I turned on my Nokia POS only to discover that my battery was going

      • I still have a real job

        I can't believe April is almost over already. I've been staring at a basket of peeps and Easter candy wondering what to do with it now that I don't eat junk like that anymore. I've been tempted to just sample some but that's how it starts huh... First ones free.

      • Fetish Fitness

        Someone emailed me once suggesting I try working out while wearing a corset. Well, I tried it today. I only tightened it to 21" though because this is the first time I've ever done anything like it.

        The results : I've never done push-ups so flawlessly in my life. Sit-

      • I quit smoking?

        I haven't smoked in over two weeks. I also can't seem to kick this little annoying cough I've had ever since I quit. At least coughing is better than cancer.
        Funny...instead of half a pack of Camels each day I go thru half a pack of pink chewing gum. :)

        I beat my

      • At the Salon

      • Nicolla

      • McMangle

        I watched Supersize Me this afternoon. I won't depress anyone with the details or make a political statement but it was really interesting and just what I needed to see coming off this 10 day fast to solidify my resolve against falling back into old eating habits.

        On a more pos

      • Annika!

      • First day back

        I can eat again. WooooO! I am so tired right now. I didn't go running until 8 pm tonight then had to go grocery shopping after that because I can eat again (wooooO!). It's 11:30pm now and we didn't get home until an hour ago.
        So tired. sooooooo very tired. I still need to t

      • Day Ten

        The cheesecake brownies I made yesterday were a hit :) I froze two little pieces for Picnic and me so we can try them on Saturday.

        Today is the last day of the cleanse - woohoo! Now I'm supposed to ease my way back to solid food by drinking nothing but orange juice for 36 hours

      • Day Nine

        I made cheesecake brownies today because sometimes I like to torture myself. I even have blisters on my hands from beating the cream cheese and other ingredients with a wire whisk instead of an electric mixer. I didn't lick the spatula or even try a tiny piece so I have no idea how they t

      • Day Eight

        Site admin Jesus and I are doing lots behind the scenes to make this place even more user-friendly. Unfortunately that requires long hours in front of a computer and lots of ass-hurting. Damn you, chair!

        Today is day 8 of the master cleanse. The constant thoughts of food are back an

      • Day Seven

      • Day Six

        My mom came into town this morning toting an Easter basket full of different chocolates, candy and nuts that I can't touch for almost another week. I can't wait until I can taste that stuff!

        Later on my mom and I went along with my sister to help her choose her wedding dre

      • Day Five

        I've had so much energy today! Aside from my inbox having way too many emails that demand a reply, I tied up lots of loose ends - and even had time to go see a movie tonight courtesy of my friends Ursulla and Mr. Powers. When Mr. Powers described it to me at first I thought it sounded kin

      • Day Four

        Day 4 : Today was so much better than the last three days. I didn't want food at all but I feel so weak. In fact, I'm struggling to sit up and type this entry.

        If you'll excuse me, I need to go sleep for a very long time. <3

      • Day Three

      • Day Two

        All I could think about today was pizza and baked tomatoes stuffed with cheesy/veggy rice. I miss solid food so much and it's only been two days.

        When I started running I would wear an old t-shirt, khakis cut off at the knee, and combat boots. I figured if the boots were good e

      • My first master cleanse

        Day one complete. Nine more days of nothing but lemonade and my morning salt water. Delicious!

        I ran a bunch of errands today and finished everything before 6pm. This is the first time in so long that I've had the night to catch up on some other stuff on the "B" To-do

      • Still? Seriously?

        I'm tired of being sick.
        Picnic and I have been tossing around the idea of trying 'the master cleanse' for a few weeks. Tonight we finally snapped and drove to Whole Foods at 8pm. By 9pm the backseat of the car was covered in bags of organic lemons and jugs of spring water.

      • Guess what?
        Yep! I'm still sick.

        Even though I'm sick I still got out of bed, composed myself as much as possible (which isn't much), and went down to the salon to work. Today was a wedding party...the bride looked horrified when she saw who was doing her makeup..muahahhaa. I was tippe

      • so bad its good

        I've been laying in bed for eight hours watching really bad movies. I don't know what the hell I have. All I know is my throat is killing me and I'm so weak that even walking is painful. There's mini corn muffins to my left and lots of Sprite to my right. I'd really lo

      • i hate being sick

        Sore throat. Explosive pressure in my face. Everything tastes funny. Improper temperature. Why me.

        It seems like every year I'm around people at school or work who all get sick at the same time while I'm gallivanting around like I'm impenetrable to any virus or bacter

      • Against my will

        I'm moving soon to a secret undisclosed location. I spent the better part of the evening taping and painting trim in my underoos.

        I'm starting to peel from this weekend's sunburn. I enjoy peeling it off almost as much as I hate the itching dry feeling. Almost. Hate wi

      • too much beach
        So this is me : Sun burned. Tired. Thirsty. Cold and hot at once.

        I'm back in town now - I was with my mom all day yesterday about 50 miles outside of Houston. It was a very relaxing weekend filled with food, tv, and sand.

        The ice pack and bed are calling my name. They hav

      • chat love
        I had fun in the chat last night :) Thanks to all of ya'll who showed up!
        *Holy crap it was painful typing the cursed y word - you guys owe me hahaha*

        So Picnic and I are leaning towards going to Atlanta for our next trip...I'm trying to talk him into road-tripping it there

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