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XOXO, Apnea
Nothing important. 

I dropped my glass perfume bottle on the stone bathroom floor. Now I have the best smelling bathroom ever.

I think my drivers' license is suspended. Now that I can't drive anywhere, I want to drive everywhere.

I really wanted to go buy new socks today. But instead I watched tutorials on shooting video.

My friend Carson just called me, we're gonna go drive around the city doing nothing. I'm gonna make him listen to my Wax-a-Million cd that came in the mail. I had to order it on Amazon because nobody in Houston carried it.

Sometimes I wish I lived in a porn hub like Los Angeles or Miami. I like Houston though. After seeing how wholesome Minneapolis was (or at least the part I saw) I like Houston a little bit more. There were some wonderful people in Minneapolis, but I could walk around the city at 3am and feel safe; that was an uneasy feeling to me. Thats the scary feeling I get in the suburbs. Ursulla said it best, all of the really really REALLY fucked up stuff happens in the suburbs, like kids gunning down their parents or wives disembowling their abusive husbands while they sleep, or sex offenders raping people and cutting them up so they can fit all of the body parts in a chest in the attic.

I never watch TV, but when I was visiting with my sister yesterday I watched two episodes of Mo'nique's Charm School. That was morbidly entertaining.

Carson just pulled into the driveway, time to go. Happy Friday!

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I hate being sick. 

Yuck, I hate being sick.

One day while I was staying at Razorfist's house he told me to stand against the wall and he sniped two photos of me, this being one of them...

Why am I smoking in all of my recent pictures? I know why! Because I've been smoking too much lately! I quit three days ago, actually I think the cigarette I'm smoking in this photo is the last one I had. I have this nasty habit of getting so stressed out that I don't care anymore then I go out and buy a pack. Bad bad bad. But now I have some kind of upper respiratory infection, so no smoking for me.

Back to bed =( I hate being sick.

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Kong the Dong 

Holy crap I just shaved Tabitha Deepthroat's head for a super sweet video. I'm so happy now. She's such an awesome model.

I was supposed to fly home...right now...but I decided to stay an extra day. I feel kinda sick and I hate being rushed so it just makes more sense to do it that way. This city is so clean and it feels so safe, I'm not used to it! I need to go back to being scared when I walk down the street.

I'm sooo tired. I've only been sleeping three hours a night, and taking little cat naps throughout the day whenever I can grab one. Although the stuff I'm doing while I'm awake is super cool so it's okay that I'm going to be a zombie by the time I get home. Like shaving people's heads...I've always wanted to do that, so much that I even thought about shaving my own head just so I could get to do it. Obviously that never happened.

I miss Ursulla Fredrika and her E! updates. She keeps all of the televisions in her 7,000 square foot house synchronized to the E! channel so she always has the latest information on all the scandals. And I like the way she tells the stories, I asked her if she would even write a little news section on my site :)

My sister was supposed to have a baby two days ago. That means he's gonna be here any day now, AWWWW! Then I'll be an aunt! AWWW!

Ride or die!

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