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XOXO, Apnea
Amtrak Summer 

So I'll pick up where we left off. Chase and I left for our train ride from San Diego to Houston. During mealtime they would seat us with a random couple, usually older, that would give us the crazy eye like they didn't trust us. But by the end of the meal the old lady would be showing us photos of her grandkids and they would talk to us like we were just normal people. I've met some of the most interesting people in my life on the train. There were these five older black guys that all wore overalls and tinted glasses and were covered in thousands of dollars worth of gold rings and jewelry. And supposedly none of them knew each other. They wouldn't tell us any information about themselves so we gave them nicknames like '39' and 'Temple'. I really liked those guys. Chase and I cleared out the viewing cart after watching 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia' on his iPod and laughing so loud that everyone had to leave. The next night we would go to the viewing cart at 2:30am and throw dice until Chase took all of my money. I won some of it back though.
The train is the most amazing way to travel. I think everyone should try it at least once.

We get to Houston for one day. The moment I get there it feels wrong. I feel like I shouldn't be there, I shouldn't live there, and I need to keep moving on with my journey. My journey was actually supposed to end here, but we decided to keep going. So we went down to the beach for the night and played in the rain and buried a treasure in the sand. The next morning we caught a bus from Houston to Livingston, then after waiting for three hours in the rain we caught a train to Little Rock, Arkansas. At 3:30 am the rap taxi picked us up and took us to the sketchiest motel I've ever stayed in in my life. There was some weird mystery bra g-string in the bathroom and porn behind the bed and little pieces of sentences cut out about brown folds of labia...Chase dry heaved a few times at some of the sights. Then there was this satanic cat outside of our window that ate all of the cheese puffs we threw at it.

The next morning we get our rental car and drive to Paragould, Arkansas. Chase reunites with family he hasn't seen since he was a kid, and the whole thing was really weird to watch because I haven't been reunited with most of my family since I was a kid. We spent the night at his aunt's house, then we drove from Paragould to a lodge in the Ozarks for my 23rd birthday. Our cabin was amazing. Chase and I shot an amazing set, then at midnight we ran to the pool with my cupcake and my birthday candles and my party hat and party beads and at midnight I blew out the candles and we went swimming under the stars. After we wore out our welcome in the pool we came back to the cabin and shot some more, then went down to the lake to look at the stars again then went to sleep. My 23rd birthday was the most important birthday of my life and I spent it in the most remote place in America with my phone turned off and no internet.

Okay, actually the whole not having internet thing is really starting to make me crazy. My life is on the internet and I haven't been able to get to it in so long. My laptop is destroyed so I have to buy a new one although I don't really have the money to do it. I never worry about money, even when I'm broke as shit I always just seem to run into it before things get really bad. So hopefully I'll run into a new laptop.

I'm moving to a city in September where I know nobody and I'm locking myself in the house (that has a pool) and doing nothing but working and not talking to anyone. I get to be a total recluse. I'm so excited about it. My plan right now is to live in a different city every month for the rest of the year. But you know how my plans are always changing!

After my birthday we flew up to the Baltimore airport but we haven't actually been staying in Baltimore. Then on the first I take a trip up to Boston, then after Boston I come back to Baltimore, then I go home to Houston. I think. I'll take care of everything I have to do there then I go to my new secluded home in the middle of nowhere for September and work work work! If you're a board member you might have read that I'm having a new site done for real this time, so any day now this place is going to look totally different. I had to take awhile off to do this but now I'm ready to go back to work mode. I have so many shoots on disks and flash drives and I'm ready to get these up and show everyone!

I'm so happy I had a chance to get on a computer and write this. Just wanted to let everyone know I'm alive and this trip has been really good for me. I've slept on floors, I've eaten at the weirdest Arkansas restaurants eating nothing but side dishes, I've been on buses, trains, plains, rental cars, I've cried a lot, I've laughed more than I ever have in my life, and I'm ready to stop living out of a suitcase. But I still have two more weeks to go and I desperately need new clothes. A few months ago I went Fight Club on myself and donated all of my possessions and most of my clothes.

I have a grip of porn that I need to sort out and see what I want to watch right now.


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The Night Monsters : Amtrak from San Diego to Houston 

The night monsters are about to go on a 44 hour train ride from San Diego to Los Angeles to Houston.

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Shark Week 

Swindle and I were attacked by sharks =D

My last night in San Diego...time to go to the beach and hit on drunk bitchesz.

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