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      • Too much food

      • Torri In Christmasland

        I'm getting extensions again. Now my hair can be all silky and long and pretty and girly. Speaking of girly, I noticed more girls have been joining my site lately than boys. That's pretty hot. <3

      • Torri's Secret

      • Thanksgiving Eve

        So since I won't be here tomorrow, Happy Thanksgiving <3

      • I love life.

      • Christmas tree

        I put up my Christmas tree today. I know it's way too early but since half of the block already has lights up outside I thought it might be appropriate. And it already has gifts underneath it. I get a warm and fuzzy feeling when I stand by my little tree. And I'm sure in three weeks

      • It's over!

        Day ten comes to a close, and my second master cleanse is complete. :)

        I was out shopping most of the day. I can't stop! It's like I traded eating for spending money.

        I really miss green tea and ginger snaps. I also miss rose oil in vanilla soy milk. I'm no

      • Day 9!

        Yay yay yay! Tonight is the night of day 9 so that makes tomorrow day 10 which is one day closer to consuming something that isn't made of lemons!
        I spent half an hour tonight trying to make my grocery list perfect...I can't wait to chew again! Holy crap this is almost more exci

      • Day 6

        The clock strikes midnight and...

        Day 6 is complete. Kinda.

        Today was the first day since I started where I feel wonderful. When I walk outside I can smell the fresh baked bread from the bread factory a mile down the road. I'm regaining my strength and al

      • The Master Cleanse

        The master cleanse has put me out of commission for the last four days.

        Today was day 5.

      • Nos

        Let's see...I woke up at 2pm to the sound of Picnic banging his light stands together... then I stumbled downstairs to the warehouse to meet our new guests. I hope my penguin pants and smeared makeup helped contribute towards making a good first impression.

        The model was sweet.

      • Another day

        I listened to a lot of terrible music today. When Picnic and I go out to clubs, there's always someone in a local band that runs up to him and gives him a cd and starts ranting about why he should shoot their band...we finally got around to listening to the cd's today and they were a

      • Accidents happen =/

      • Friday.

        I'm becoming more obsessed with gift baskets. I asked the universe to send me more gift basket catalogs in the mail, and poof. More catalogs.

        Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching. Being a vegetarian and living in Texas makes this holiday kinda unappealing. If I don't spend

      • A shitty Halloween driving back from shitty Dallas

        I was on the road for over ten hours yesterday.

        There was one point around 11:30pm when I accidentally turned onto the service road instead of the freeway, and was stuck on that road for about ten minutes.'s Halloween night, I'm in the middle of nowhere, hardl

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