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XOXO, Apnea

That storm wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. And unforunately, the power never went out so the sheet fort wasn't as amazing as it could have potentially been had the power actually gone out. The only thing bizarre that happened was all of the alarms in the building went off and the streets flooded for about thirty minutes in the morning, and that's it.

I said I would show you photos so I'm prepping another set to put on the site :)

My special lady friend Ursulla Fredricka and I went on an adventure in the downtown tunnels today. We thought a day where Houston was on the brink of a major tropical storm and flash floods was a good day to be underground for the first time, where our phones had no signal and the only food between the two of us was a small pack of madelines and iced coffee. We sometimes have overactive imaginations when put in awesome situations such as this, so we pretended like we found a secret and we were explorers in a hidden underground civilization.

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I miss Philip 

There's a tropical storm coming through tonight! YESSSSS. I love big storms. Time to break out the sheet forts and s'mores because there's a big storm coming tonight! WOOOOOO!!! I hope the power goes out, but only for half an hour.

I'm about to go swimming =D I love swimming. It's because I'm part sea creature even though I'm still a mammal, much like a penguin. Not really but I that would be neat if I was. People in school used to call me fish face because of my eyes. I can't find my favorite fuschia swimsuit so I'm gonna rock two completely different patterns on the top and bottom. I've never matched a day in my life, so why start now! That's what I say.

I miss you Picnic. <3 I heard he shot Adahlia the other night. That's awesome, I really like her even though I've never met her.

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Haaayyy! =D

My mom just got back from her trip to Jamaica so a bunch of us all went out to lunch with her today. She said she tried to take a picture of a blowfish all puffed up because I love those, but they never puffed out. My favorite part in 'The Life Aquatic' is when the blowfish puffs up...I fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard when I saw that for the first time. Obviously I'm easily amused.

My brother-in-law told me that Paula Deen hollowed out a hoagie loaf and filled it with breaded chicken fingers and mozzarella sticks, then drizzled cheese and bacon over the top of it. That's why I love that woman and even though I would never in my life try to make anything that she's made, I have a collection of her cookbooks. I used to make stuff like that and they called me crazy. Who's crazy now?! About seven years ago I made a casserole with my four favorite foods at the time - taquitos, macaroni and cheese, Spaghetti-o's, and sour cream and onion potato chips (I was 20 pounds heavier seven years ago) and I gave it to my friend to eat it and he liked it then threw up. Not a success. And I'm pretty sure I told this story last year. Don't worry I won't repeat myself too much, my life is too "interesting" to run out of new stories anytime soon.

It's 5:30 in the morning and I'm up for a 6:30 call time because the photographer has decided he wants to shoot at the beach today starting from sunrise and lasting all day in the 99 degree weather with a heat index of 109 because he's a whaaaaacky guy! The hottest part of the day is from 11 - 2, or so I'm told, so hopefully I won't die. Just as long as I don't have to spread it on "Man vs Wild" style and piss on my shirt and use it as a head scarf to prevent my brain from getting too hot, I think I'll be okay.

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