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XOXO, Apnea
Fanta$y Girls 

2Xtreme and Danjris have both departed from Picnic Mountain. Now it's just the Gingerbread King Philip and his loyal assistant Professor Lollipop Apnea Sugarpants. I really liked having them around...I especially liked my neighbors telling me stories that involved the girls. Like the other day I was talking to my neighbor and he said, "I came outside to shake out my rugs and I saw a naked girl walk across the lawn and up your stairs." I'm gonna miss hearing stories like that. But they'll be back soon enough :) And we'll be working together so there's no reason to cry now.

I went to sleep around 7am this morning and woke up at 10:39am to get ready to go work on a shoot. I think in the last seven hours I've drank almost an entire small pot of coffee which is rare for me because I'm not usually one of those know those people, "I DRINK THIS MUCH TO GET BACK TO NORMAL" yea that's not me and I refuse to turn into that person so I'm gonna have the worst migraine when I can return to living a semi-normal (but still fabulous) life on a semi-normal schedule where I don't need coffee just to make it through my job because I haven't had a decent night's rest in two weeks. Bitch bitch bitch. I don't like complaining, but now I'm complaining about complaining. Yikes.

Danjiris just instant messaged me. I'm gonna go talk to her before I fall asleep.

Spread it on! ;D

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Ants in my pants and I need to dance 
1AM : Wake up

1:30AM : Go to breakfast, meeting with Picnic and the ladiesz

3:30AM : Arrive at Casa Del Picnic aka SlutHut Deu (the original SlutHut is down the street)

4:00AM : Begin shooting Frenzy

9:00AM : It's balls hot outside already and I want to punch myself in the face I'm so hot, still shooting

2:00PM : Go to the grocery store to get Amber apples, old lady yells at me for my ass hanging out of my pants

3:30PM : go to sleep

9:30PM : wake up, eat LaraBar, put on makeup

10:30PM : shoot for SINched with Amber and Porsylin

11:30PM : shoot the "European version" of SINched outfits (that means with our boobs)

MIDNIGHT : Off to our last meeting of the ladiesz trip to PicnicLand

2:30 AM : Come back home, watch this video on repeat

3:30AM : Shoot our video response to said video

4AM : Catch our breath from humping everything in the room for almost four minutes

4:30AM : I write this.

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Playing God 

So things that happened yesterday feel like they happened two days ago or like it just happened a few hours before and I have for the first time in my life lost track of when I went to sleep last and how long I slept and if the reason I feel like I'm about to black out is because of sleep deprivation, or if I drank way too much coffee or if I'm just really tired. But now it's 5am and I feel well rested because I slept until 1am and I feel better now. But I don't have much to report because I can't remember my dreams and my day kinda just started after I had a business meeting. I'm kinda obsessed with cleaning now and I want to take all of my furniture out of my apartment and just scrub the whole thing clean and I know I can't do that so I'll just clean around it. I also need to seal up everything. I live in a "historic" house so there's little cracks in some places that I think could use a good sealin' =D

I'm shooting with Porsylin tomorrow =D I wish I had time to shoot with Amber too =(

My friend hates this but I love it...I think it's the cat that seals the deal for me.

I'm never awake to see my iGoogle frog and ladybug eating donuts and drinking coffee so I caught it one day and screen capped it so I can look at it during the day and laugh.

I like looking through my Fotki at the old photos I used to post in my journal of angry plastic cups and gummi bear orgies. I should bring those back.

But in the meantime, I will show you my new drawings.

Hey ladies. I made you. =D

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