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XOXO, Apnea

Haaayyy! =D

My mom just got back from her trip to Jamaica so a bunch of us all went out to lunch with her today. She said she tried to take a picture of a blowfish all puffed up because I love those, but they never puffed out. My favorite part in 'The Life Aquatic' is when the blowfish puffs up...I fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard when I saw that for the first time. Obviously I'm easily amused.

My brother-in-law told me that Paula Deen hollowed out a hoagie loaf and filled it with breaded chicken fingers and mozzarella sticks, then drizzled cheese and bacon over the top of it. That's why I love that woman and even though I would never in my life try to make anything that she's made, I have a collection of her cookbooks. I used to make stuff like that and they called me crazy. Who's crazy now?! About seven years ago I made a casserole with my four favorite foods at the time - taquitos, macaroni and cheese, Spaghetti-o's, and sour cream and onion potato chips (I was 20 pounds heavier seven years ago) and I gave it to my friend to eat it and he liked it then threw up. Not a success. And I'm pretty sure I told this story last year. Don't worry I won't repeat myself too much, my life is too "interesting" to run out of new stories anytime soon.

It's 5:30 in the morning and I'm up for a 6:30 call time because the photographer has decided he wants to shoot at the beach today starting from sunrise and lasting all day in the 99 degree weather with a heat index of 109 because he's a whaaaaacky guy! The hottest part of the day is from 11 - 2, or so I'm told, so hopefully I won't die. Just as long as I don't have to spread it on "Man vs Wild" style and piss on my shirt and use it as a head scarf to prevent my brain from getting too hot, I think I'll be okay.

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Rainy Day 

Porsylin likes to dance with me in the rain -

Set coming soon to Apneatic and!

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The Doom Arch 
I didn't know some people believe the St. Louis Arch is a weather controlling device. That makes it a lot more interesting. When I was in St. Louis I remember seeing that thing and wondering why they would build something like that, but I just figured it was a big gay arch. If it really does split up storm systems I should figure out someway to make millions of dollars then build one over the Casa Del Picnic so it doesn't rain so much over our house. When it rains all of the bugs come out of the trees and they make me scream. I had night terrors once that I was pulling big tree roaches out of my pockets and Picnic woke me up because I wouldn't stop screaming.

I've been really out of it all day. I had a terrible headache this morning before I drank a small cup of coffee, but my headache is back now and I don't want any more caffiene in my system so I'm in bed early and I'll just sleep it off. I don't like caffiene anymore :(

I did a lot of sitting today. At one point I stared at my eyes up close in a mirror for a few minutes looking at all of the different things going on in my irises and then it looked like one of my eyes was lighter than the other one, and a little more blue. Not much different, but just enough to make me feel special.

My neighbor made us granola with sliced plums and peaches for breakfast, then vegan vegetable stew for lunch. I wish I could pay him to make all of my food for me. I've been living off of the many flavors of vitamin water recently. I drink so much vitamin water now that I thought about starting a vitamin water pyramid in my living room with all of the empty bottles, but after I started building the base I sat back and realized I didn't want a pile of garbage in my room so I threw them all in the recycling bin.

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