So things that happened yesterday feel like they happened two days ago or like it just happened a few hours before and I have for the first time in my life lost track of when I went to sleep last and how long I slept and if the reason I feel like I'm about to black out is because of sleep deprivation, or if I drank way too much coffee or if I'm just really tired. But now it's 5am and I feel well rested because I slept until 1am and I feel better now. But I don't have much to report because I can't remember my dreams and my day kinda just started after I had a business meeting. I'm kinda obsessed with cleaning now and I want to take all of my furniture out of my apartment and just scrub the whole thing clean and I know I can't do that so I'll just clean around it. I also need to seal up everything. I live in a "historic" house so there's little cracks in some places that I think could use a good sealin' =D
I'm shooting with Porsylin tomorrow =D I wish I had time to shoot with Amber too =(
My friend hates this but I love it...I think it's the cat that seals the deal for me.
I'm never awake to see my iGoogle frog and ladybug eating donuts and drinking coffee so I caught it one day and screen capped it so I can look at it during the day and laugh.
I like looking through my Fotki at the old photos I used to post in my journal of angry plastic cups and gummi bear orgies. I should bring those back.
But in the meantime, I will show you my new drawings.
Hey ladies. I made you. =D