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XOXO, Apnea
slow start to May 




I realized today that some of my favorite music is depressing as all hell. I might as well go draw a hot bath and slice my wrists open when I turn some of it on. I need to find some new music. I think it's had a negative effect on my moods lately, which sucks because I really like it. What do all of those self-help books say though, sometimes we just like what we're familiar with? Or some crap like that.

I don't know if I want a Smart car or a Honda Civic. Any advice you can give me would be splendid.

Model Mayhem is hysterical. I often wonder if my isolation and fear of social situations or talking to people is becoming a problem, but then I see how fucked crazy most of these people are and I'm glad I don't talk to anyone. I take that back, I do talk to people, I talk to lots of people by my standards, I'm just not a social butterfly or a forum whore. And what do ya know, my life has almost no drama in it. There is the occasional problem with an employer, but that's inevitable for most people, especially this girl.

I have to link to this again because I think it is amazing.

I fell asleep on the roof today. It was so bright and sunny when I fell asleep then I woke up and it was raining.

I've recorded so many videos for my site, now I just have to put them in the member's section for you to seeEEeEeEEEE =D

I'm gonna go jump on the bed until Picnic wakes up so I have someone to play with me. Goodbye :)

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My sister's water broke this morning. That was nuts. Then she quit her job. I was there so I was lucky enough to see my old boss and her reaction to the news that her cash cow was leaving, so that was tons of fun. I used to work in the same salon with my sister, in case you have no idea what I was talking about. And if you're wondering why she was moving around after her water broke, well....she's crazy like that. My whole family is nuts.

Speaking of family, I've been spending time with my family a lot these last few days, so that's why I haven't been very active. Sorry about that :( I have great news to report back to you though! I have the best cat ever.

I've been designing a website all night. This stuff is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Ack.

Anyways, Happy May! Talk to you tomorrow.

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Nothing important. 

I dropped my glass perfume bottle on the stone bathroom floor. Now I have the best smelling bathroom ever.

I think my drivers' license is suspended. Now that I can't drive anywhere, I want to drive everywhere.

I really wanted to go buy new socks today. But instead I watched tutorials on shooting video.

My friend Carson just called me, we're gonna go drive around the city doing nothing. I'm gonna make him listen to my Wax-a-Million cd that came in the mail. I had to order it on Amazon because nobody in Houston carried it.

Sometimes I wish I lived in a porn hub like Los Angeles or Miami. I like Houston though. After seeing how wholesome Minneapolis was (or at least the part I saw) I like Houston a little bit more. There were some wonderful people in Minneapolis, but I could walk around the city at 3am and feel safe; that was an uneasy feeling to me. Thats the scary feeling I get in the suburbs. Ursulla said it best, all of the really really REALLY fucked up stuff happens in the suburbs, like kids gunning down their parents or wives disembowling their abusive husbands while they sleep, or sex offenders raping people and cutting them up so they can fit all of the body parts in a chest in the attic.

I never watch TV, but when I was visiting with my sister yesterday I watched two episodes of Mo'nique's Charm School. That was morbidly entertaining.

Carson just pulled into the driveway, time to go. Happy Friday!

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