Today in the mail I received six pounds of cheese and sausage, seven tins of fudge, one box of chocolates, and two Christmas magnets for the refridgerator. Now I'm done with my Christmas purchases for acquaintances, friends of family, and the family of friends.
I'm keeping the magnets though. My kitchen needs flare.
The guy that keeps up with security of my site and I always go to the gym together. Tonight before our workout he surprised me with a big gingerbread house, which I spent an hour deconstructing after I got home from 'sculpting the guns'. I love gingerbread :) I just don't like the icing. That stuff gets hard as tits.
My fingertips are really cold.
Tomorrow the imfamous Ursulla and I will be heading to the Pornutopia convention. Who can resist a convention in Texas featuring over 30 adult film stars? I know I can't! Just seeing the protestors will be worth my Alex Hamilton.