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XOXO, Apnea

This is the guy whose house I was staying at in Baltimore...

He likes to pretend to pee on the floor and he says lots of other funny things besides "c-ya".

I flew into Atlanta yesterday. Greg Truelove picked me up from the airport and showed me around the city, then took me back to his place and I fell asleep nine hours earlier than I usually do. Before I left Chase and I traded books and he gave me Tortilla Flat to read. It's amazing so far. I forgot how much I love sitting in bed and reading before I fall asleep. I'm so excited to have stability in my life again and to be able to do things like that.

I woke up at 9am today! That's usually what time I would be going to bed.

Kencredible and I won MM Pic of the day yesterday for the splashy-water photo. =D

Here's a photo we shot that was inspired by Trevor Brown :

You know I like it extra creepy!

Greg and I are going to go run some errands today and then we get to shoot later! He has an awesome studio and his dalmation Deja makes a really nice heat rock while I sleep.

Funny to think I'll be back in Houston in two days. I'm only there for 9 days though, then my journey continues <3


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Bats and The Grim Reaper 

Me : Was the Grim Reaper on Noah's arc? If not, how did he survive the flood and if he in fact was, how did he resist killing all those animals?

ChaCha : Good question, I bet the Grim Reaper was Noah. Cha!

Chase and I were in Leeroy's 'dude den' shooting a set and during one of the breaks I looked around Supercult's 'We Like' section and read what Chase wrote about bats and started crying from laughing so hard.


bats are like birds made of lizard but with fur and see-through wings.
if a bat gets hungry, he'll be all like "eeek" and it will bounce off of you and
he'll be all up in your face and getting caught in your dyed black bangs.
bats can stay up all night and no one can tell them to go to bed.
if a bat sends out his sonar and it bounces off your
MAYHEM shirt, he'll come hang out on your shoulder, because
if a bat could hold a match, he'd burn the fuck out of some churches.
bats have fucking SONAR! you know what has sonar?
submarines and bats.



Tomorrow I shoot with Kencredible! We're both in Baltimore at the same time. And we love each other. Cha!

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ChaCha! (242242) 

I'm addicted to texting ChaCha. There's people that sit around and answer questions that you text them. It's like texting Google but it's a real human. A real human that I can ask the best questions and sometimes I get the most awesome responses.

Me : Why did they kill all of those native americans?
CC : Please be more specific. Why did WHO kill all of WHAT Native Americans?
Me : You know...All the white people and like cowboys and the small pox and thanksgiving and blue corn?
CC : The deaths caused by smallpox and other diseases were mostly unintentional. The other deaths were over land and resources.
Me : What's with blue corn?
CC : As the US was expanding it's borders to the west, there were small fights of territory between the Native Americans and the pioneers.
Me : That has nothing to do with corn.
CC : No, that was an answer to the question you asked before it about the Cowboys and Indians.
Me : *send picture of a salt shaker* I'm at a restaurant. How do I use this device?
CC : Blue corn or maize (Zea mays L) is an open pollinated flour corn and contains soft starch useful in the milling of specialty food.
Me : Did you get my picture? I really need help.
CC : ChaCha's service receives text format only. We can send you links to pictures, if there's something you're looking for.
Me : Will you talk to me when I'm lonely?
CC : Of course we will, we are here 24/7, 365 days a year, whenever you need a friend or just to have someone listen we're here.

It's been this ridiculous for the last few days. My friends are asking them really serious questions about major life changes and getting replies. I want to work for ChaCha so bad. Just one hour every night when I can't sleep. I would give the best responses.

Chase was getting some really good responses. His ChaCha-er was more funny than mine.

Chase : What was Jim Morrison talking about?
CC : Jim Morrison was trying to explain to everyone how he was the Lizard King.

I can't believe I lost my phone in New York. There's so many people I want to call but I can't because I don't have their numbers. And now I never know who's calling me when all of these weird area codes come in. Sometimes I can be ridiculous when I answer my phone and I think I did it to someone who called me to tell me my grandfather died last week. It's totally cool, I hadn't seen him since I was 7 so I didn't know him. That sounds awful. I mean, it's not cool that he's dead, but I'm not in mourning. He actually scared the crap out of me when I was a kid. He would take me to the churches where people flop around on the floor and speak in tongues and one time he put his hands on my head and wouldn't stop shaking my head and praying. Why are my grandparents so nuts. My mom's mom only has plastic furniture in her house and she talks about how the Masons are going to kill us all then she serves me Jello on lettuce topped with mayo. I avoid her too. Isn't that terrible? Schizophrenia does weird things to old people. My sister told her once that she loved her and her response was, "Why?" Hahahahaha! My sister and I got a good laugh out of that.

Chase and I are about to go make dinner now. Byeeeeee <3

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