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XOXO, Apnea
Back in Houston, plus lots of photo updates! 

Kencredible scanned a copy of Marquis to show me my little feature thing :)

I'm back home now. I had such a good time in Atlanta. I can't wait to go visit there once I get to Savannah. Greg Truelove and I work really well together and I look forward to posting the sets on here that he shot so you can see what I'm talking about.

The night before I left Baltimore Chase shot me in some Kid Acne Knitwear.

I know, it's the most clothes you'll probably ever see me in.

My sister left me a comment on that last photo on Myspace :

"You look so sweet and beautiful! It really looks like the real you!"

That's the first time she's ever said that about any of my images in five years. I've made an art out of disguising myself and Chase was still able to break through the 'apnea' thing and shoot a real photo of me. He's my favorite person to work with and I consider him more of a painter with light than a photographer. Working with him is so much different than anyone else I've ever shot with. I don't even pose much, I just hold what he asks me to hold then he dances around me with his lights until he gets the shot he has in his head. It's refreshing to work with somebody that knows what they want instead of taking a thousand shots and hoping one comes out well. When I say this I don't want to discredit the other amazing photographers I've worked with, I just wanted to express my gratitude for the gifts he's given me and the experiences I've had in the last couple of months with him. Unfortunately he doesn't have nearly as much credit as he should have. It's disgusting how many high profile people have ripped him off but he's such a modest person that he will never publicly harass anybody that steals his original ideas, he has no 'wall of shame', he just keeps going about his business making his art and being a good person. I'll be happy to see him again.

The longer I sit at my computer the more I reflect on the last six or seven weeks. This was the best summer of my life and I'm ready to buckle down now and get to business. It's's business time.

Thats what you're tryin to say, you're tryin to say lets get down to business it's business time!

I'm really happy to see my Houston people too. And I'm totally ready to leave this place and my real friends support me.

Speaking of artists...Alex Rodriguez
drew another picture of me after we got together in Portland. He's another really amazing person that I talk about on my blog a lot.

From Illusions...

"If you really want to remove a cloud from your life, you do not make a big production of it, you just relax and remove it from your thinking..."

"Live never to be ashamed if anything you do or say is published around the world - even if what is published is not true."

My roommates are asleep and I can't sleep because I'm so excited to be at my computer. I've already got ten windows open and Photoshop is open and I'm on AIM and I have my headphones on and I'm texting and I'm back in my multi-tasking workaholic mode. So I'll close this now and write more tomorrow and update with some of Greg's photos from Atlanta. C-YA.

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I just wrapped up a really long day shooting for Liberator latex with Greg Truelove. We're back at his sudio now trying to figure out if we want to keep working or just pass out.

I did get a chance to check up on my email and find some pleasant surprises from Kencredible! We shot in some Peacock Blue hats and other delicious little accessories in Baltimore last week. There's more but I don't want to ruin Christmas yet.

Then I saw these from Winterwolf Studios!

You can see the bigger version of that photo here.

That globe had a huge knob on top of it that was really difficult to lay over. Maybe that's why my back hurts? It was worth it.

I'm not ready to pass out yet. This is my last night here so I should make the most of it. Now I have to go kick Greg and try to convince him to think the same.

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This is the guy whose house I was staying at in Baltimore...

He likes to pretend to pee on the floor and he says lots of other funny things besides "c-ya".

I flew into Atlanta yesterday. Greg Truelove picked me up from the airport and showed me around the city, then took me back to his place and I fell asleep nine hours earlier than I usually do. Before I left Chase and I traded books and he gave me Tortilla Flat to read. It's amazing so far. I forgot how much I love sitting in bed and reading before I fall asleep. I'm so excited to have stability in my life again and to be able to do things like that.

I woke up at 9am today! That's usually what time I would be going to bed.

Kencredible and I won MM Pic of the day yesterday for the splashy-water photo. =D

Here's a photo we shot that was inspired by Trevor Brown :

You know I like it extra creepy!

Greg and I are going to go run some errands today and then we get to shoot later! He has an awesome studio and his dalmation Deja makes a really nice heat rock while I sleep.

Funny to think I'll be back in Houston in two days. I'm only there for 9 days though, then my journey continues <3


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