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XOXO, Apnea

My new favorite animal is the okapi.

It looks like a horse, but also like a deer, and kinda like a cow, and it wears zebra pants. And it has big creepy eyes.

I saw a superb bird of paradise at the zoo today :) And I saw two hippos making sweet love. The zoo is fun.

I also had the best breakfast of my life. I need to stop eating so much.

After the zoo a bunch of us met up for drinks, and afterwards I ran over to Cilantro and ordered a piece of raw pumpkin pie. Now I'm back at the dungeon where we will be shooting all night, then it's off to the airport tomorrow :( I sure will miss this place!

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San Diego 

I slept in a dungeon last night that smells like flan and cinnamon buns. Our bed was right by the electricity and the dentist chair. It was like all of my wildest dreams had come true, except The Cone wasn't there so it wasn't completely magical. Picnic had some time to drive around the city before we went back to the dungeon for my shoot with Soma. In case you were wondering, our shoot was amazing and I can't wait to get pictures from it.

Now I'm at Swindle's place. She's shooting with Picnic and I'm behind her couch on her computer. He keeps hissing at her cat. Her cat is so soft and adorable and I can't touch it because she's giving Picnic the hives. I wish I could cuddle with her. I miss my cat :(

We ate Thai food with Jane Jett tonight. I named our table the Table of Fun. She gave us presents and we talked about The Cone and had lots of laughs and fun food. This is the first night that we haven't gone out to a bar since we've been here which is kinda nice since I don't drink anymore.

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It's so pretty here... 

I've been having an amazing time in San Diego! This is the first chance I've had to get online and update everyone, and I have so much to talk about!

Everyone here is so nice, and there's a huge park where people have picnics and toss frisbees and walk their dogs. I always see that in movies but I didn't know there was a place where people actually did that. The parks in Houston are great and all, but it's just homeless people that sometimes throw food at me. There's lots of vegan restaurants and I've fallen in love with Cilantro, the raw food restaurant here.

Our flight on Friday was wonderful. We had lunch with the fundraiser coordinators then checked into our hotel and went to bed. After we woke up we went around to some bars, met up with Swindle, Jane Jett, Melodie Gore, and the owners of The Rubber Rose. I also met Larry of Darkman's Darkroom at his club around 1am. After the clubs closed, we went back to the hotel and had a great night's sleep.

Saturday I had a great shoot with Larry. He shot me in my new Mange La Mode black lace gown in an old Hollywood glamour style. Here's a photo from the shoot -

Picnic is going to shoot me in the gown too so you can see the whole thing, because Mange La Mode is selling a custom gown just like this one to the highest bidder and donating the money to Picnic's fundraiser! It's so beautiful, I can't wait until we post the auction and someone else will be as lucky as me and own one.

After our shoot Larry went home to take a nap and Laurie and Skerney, the event coordinators, picked me up and took me to The Rubber Rose where Picnic was putting the finishing touches on his gallery. There's this sex toy at The Rubber Rose called 'The Cone'. I stared at it in amazement for a long time. Then Picnic and I ran back to the hotel to get dressed for the fundraiser.

The fundraiser was a success! We raised half of the attorney's fees from last month in two hours and I met some great people. It was really a lot of fun and I hope we do something else like this soon.

Now it's Sunday! We went back to The Rubber Rose and I played with The Cone some more, and had the owner explain to me what it is. Please, google 'The Cone' right now, it's so weird. It's a cone...but you rub up against it...or you sit on it...according to the diagram you can sit on it while you're reading the paper. Or you can rub on it while you're reading the paper. Now I'm at a dungeon and Picnic is shooting a really pretty girl named Soma Snakeoil. I get to shoot with her tomorrow, yay :)

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