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XOXO, Apnea

Chase and I were playing around last night and thought it would be a good idea to hook up the webcam so people can watch us all's very distracting. And very entertaining at times.

It's still a work in progress.

Bookmark it. Love it.

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It's so cold in the D 

I'm a lurker on the Supercult message board. And sometimes they post amazing things. Like this.

I woke up and made my detox shake and went running. That was a terrible idea because now I have no balance. And then Chase and I were running down the street and there were these two bees and I ran around them and I looked over at Chase and he hurdled over them and I started laughing while I was running then I fell into a bush but I didn't fall down because the bush caught me...and the bush thought I was another bush and wanted it's seeds all over me to make baby bushes so now I'm sitting here covered in bush seeds. I need to change.

I feel crazy. And I plan on doing this every morning.

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I hate airports. 

My flight was scheduled to leave at 5:55 am on August 29th for Baltimore. I arrived at Bush Intercontinental Airport at 5:40am knowing that I had missed the baggage cut-off but figured Delta would just roll me over on another flight.


Instead I waited around the airport until 11am and they finally told me there was no way in hell I was getting out of Houston that day. Then I found out I had lost my ticket completely. Tired and defeated, I called Ursulla Fredrika to come pick me up from the airport so I could try again the next day. I went back to the loft in Houston where I had been staying, but my computer was at least three states away from me on the back of a UPS truck and all of my possessions were either in a giant pink suitcase or in storage. So I spent the day with Ursulla doing nothing, and it was awesome. It was honestly one of the best days of my summer.

My guardian angel swooped down and helped me get another plane ticket to get to Baltimore on the 30th. At 4:30am on August 30th, Ursulla and I woke up to get to the airport. I was standing at the door, bags in hand, and Ursulla comes out from the bathroom with a swollen eye to tell me that the punch she took in the face the night before (it was a crazy night) made it impossible for her to wear her left contact lens and therefore prevented her ability to drive without killing the both of us.

Yellow Cab to the rescue! And my cab driver got there in record time. We had a wonderful conversation on the way to the airport about the hurricane headed for Louisiana and then I was on my way to Baltimore.

Five hours later I'm in the Baltimore airport. Chase calls me and tells me he's running late. I'm relieved. I have time to sleep on a bench and relax and not rush.

Chase shows up. Time to rush again. I'm three hours late for an appointment with Jon Glessner and I need to get to his shop as soon as possible. Chase and I make it and end up staying at Ghost Town until 3am.

August 31. I'm in a car for 11 hours on the way to Savannah. The house I'm living in isn't ready until the first of the month, so Chase's friend Matt lets me sleep over. When I got to his house I probably spent an hour looking at his globe looking for Tonga and imagining what my life would be like if I was a pirate. Then I finally fall asleep.

September 1st. I'm in my new house. I LOVE IT. But my computer still isn't here. I love Savannah. I love life. I love everything.

September 2nd. My computer still isn't here. I spend most of the day walking around the city and becoming acquainted with the shops and the streets and my badass English neighbors.

Today. My computer arrives. I've been glued to it ever since.

Greg Truelove from the Liberator shoot :

I can't wait to have that set ready for the site.

I've spent so many hours of this summer in a car. And once in awhile I'll pull out my camera and take photos of myself. Because I don't have enough photos of myself...

Once or twice a month I'll be posting self-shot sets in the members section. The other night I was testing out my underwater housing for my camera in the shower...

Thank you for making pretty pictures of people that look similar to me <3

Viva the night monsters.

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