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XOXO, Apnea
I'm just trying to be a better person. 

Like Earl always says, "I'm just trying to be a better person." So when a model lost her shit tonight and told me to take all of her photos off of my site, I did it, even though it was for a crap reason and I didn't have to do it. I apologize to all of my members. Lucky for you, there's lots of girls willing to let me do nasty nasty things to them, so we'll replace all of those photos soon enough.

And now I invite you to see a little piece of my world, one shitty camphone photo at a time.

That's my favorite belt. I wear it everyday because that tiger makes me happy.

I need all of that stuff.

I made that. I love birds.

My crazy ergonomic chair that I only sit in correctly half of the time.

Hey, ladies.

My coffee table. My wooden tulips are protected by Sex Panther. I named him Sex Panther after I saw "Anchorman." He's not really a panther, but close enough. The tulips were a gift Picnic bought me in Amsterdam.

That's Kingsley. He was meant to be a trashcan, but I use it to hold my snacks. He likes to live with the hula hoops.

Blonde in my bangs, ohhhh yaaa.

The new Queens of the Stone Age album is AWESOME. I've been listening to it all day.

Toodles, I'm out. =D

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I had a delightful day. It started way too early, but that's okay because it just means I had more time to bowl. After bowling, Picnic and I had a nice lunch and I went back home and fell asleep. After waking up, I exercised, had fun times with Ursulla Fredrika, and now I'm home writing this.

Today is very exciting, because I have two links that are entertaining to say the least.

Philip Warner and I had nothing to do with the creation of this photo. I don't know who took it, and I don't know who the models are. But that doesn't make it any less hilarious. HAR HAR!

And now for a more informative link, CLICK HERE.

Most of you know, but for those who don' you do! =D

Time to get into my little shorts and jump in bed. I hope everyone had a great weekend!

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New Office Chair 

My birthday is coming up next month and I thought for about an hour today about a big party I could have with lots of booze and strippers and strippers in cakes and a big feast on a long table and more cake and water activities and loud music, but then I realized I don't have nearly enough time to put together something like that. And I'd have to run it by Ursulla Fredrika, since her birthday is the same day and we like to celebrate together.

I rearranged the rugs in my office in celebration of the arrival of my new office chair. It's supposed to be super ergonomic and comfortable, but I'm so used to slouching that my back is actually killing me now after sitting in this thing for three hours and now this chair doesn't seem like such a good idea. It reminds me of the time I was hanging upside down from Philip's gravity boots, and the moment I went upside down my back felt like it was breaking. I haven't tried that again in over three years. Sometimes I wonder if I would be taller if I had better posture.

Speaking of comfort, I've been wanting one of these pillows lately. See how happy he looks? I'm completely jealous. I should get a shirt like that too.

Seriously, my back is killing me. I need to take a picture of this ridiculous looking chair so you can sympathize with me. I think I'll go to bed early tonight so I can get some extra cuddles in with my muffinsz and maybe my back won't feel so insane. Toodles!

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