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XOXO, Apnea
Chase Lisbon : Reno 
The following entry and photo by Chase Lisbon of

The next day we were waiting for all of the boys to finish up work at Dixie Rose, so that Apnea and I could shoot after hours. We went back to that casino and played some craps. The tables were cold... really cold. You could move these polar caps and fix our environmental problems in minutes, but I couldn't shake the feeling that they were going to turn around any minute. typical gambler's downfall. So I lost all the money I cared to lose and went back to the bar to wait for my call. I ordered some chilled vodka and wait kept Apnea company while she tried her best to tackle one of those 6 foot tall plastic daiquiri bottles.

I talked Apnea into playing one of those video poker games at the bar, because it seemed like a good time to teach someone how to play poker. It turned out that we picked the one machine at the bar that wasn't a Multi-game machine, and it was only Keno. I have no idea how to play these video Keno games at all, and I couldn't find a way to cash out, so we hit "bet all" and she just randomly hit numbers and touched every button she could until it went nuts and started rolling over credits. We sat and watched with our mouths open as it kept going, and going, until it stopped at $840. So Apnea, accidentally won $840 mashing numbers... You have no idea how great the timing is with this... we were stressing all day about how we were going to afford some plane tickets and a rental car that we need for the trip to Arkansas.

Yes... we are going to Arkansas too now... This has been a very strange summer so far, and the best road trip ever.

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Guest Blogger 

The following entry and photo by Chase Lisbon of

Reno was fucking nuts. I've had some pretty good luck on this trip, which is a far cry from my normal day to day... I was at a craps table for a few hours with my friend Brian, while Apnea and Brian's girl held down the bar and fended off the various cholos and cornrows that swarm around such areas. Brian and I were doing well and we were up pretty far for the night when this fat girl came up next to us and declared what "good luck" she was. We knew that was the end of our streak, but gambling gets into the head of an extremist and it's hard to trust your gut. We were wiped out within minutes. This woman's mojo Katrina'd the table...

We walked away from the table with about 7 bucks, and I remembered the cryptic message that Jim Defecto had emailed me when I told him I was in Reno.

"Bet 28 black". We went to the roulette table and I had Apnea drop a couple bucks on 28 black/. The ball was in motion when she made the bet, and a second later i saw it in the little 28 black spot. WTF. Awesome. I can't remember how much we put down, but we won around $100 and everyone stared at her like she was a gypsy woman. She took the money and left... we walked off laughing as dudes tried to get her to disclose what the next number was going to be.

I went home to email Jim and saw his original message: "Bet 29 black".

Thank god my memory is so fuckkkkkkkkked.

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I'm alive 

I'm in Reno for one more day, then our train leaves for San Francisco tomorrow morning. My phone broke so I haven't been able to call or text anyone for a few days now. I'm sure a lot of people think I'm chopped up in little pieces buried in a creepy backyard. But I'm not! I'm safe.

I forgot my wireless card for my laptop so I had to sneak onto Chase's computer to make some kind of update to let everyone know I'm alive! As much as it blows, it's really nice not having to deal with my phone going off so much. I haven't been this disconnected from my phone or internet in years. It's almost like it was meant to happen this way!

I get excited any chance I can see my site because it could be completely different any day now.

I could write a book about all of the crazy shit that's happened to me so far. I'm not ready to write about it because there's no ending yet.

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