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XOXO, Apnea
I hate depositions. 

We've been in Portland for depositions related to Suicidegirl's $100,000 lawsuit against Philip. This weeek alone probably racked up another $5,000 in legal expenses. Thanks SG!

We arrived Wednesday into PDX and were greeted by my new friends Andrea and Dennis. We went straight to the attorney's office for a meeting. Our attorneys are the nicest and most awesome attorneys I've ever met. I'm glad they have Philip's "back".

After the meeting Dennis and Andrea took us out to dinner and we went to bed early around 8pm. So far I like Portland but I strongly dislike the cold.

I've heard people on this trip say they're intolerable to cold, but I don't know about that. I seriously think I have thyroid problems. I would go to a club where people were in tank tops and I was shivering underneath my thick coat. I've been sleeping in two pairs of pants, leg warmers, slipper socks, a sweater, and a sweater jacket under three blankets. I seriously can't handle the cold here. So far I don't know if I could live here.

Onto the next two days...Picnic and I were in deposition meetings.

Here's the best way to describe my meeting. And this isn't really me describing it, this is more just me quoting the Evangelist energy healer that sat on the plane next to me. He told me, "Some men love people and use things, while others love things and use people." I asked the man, "Why does it seem like good things happen to those who do such evil things to other people, most often undeserving?" He told me, "Good things? Like money? Money can be a trap, some of the most miserable people I know are imprisoned by their money. They can't even have friends because they're too scared that somebody is trying to take their money." The Evangelist and I have many opposing beliefs but we had a lot in common, and overall he was a really interesting and entertaining guy.

Friday after Philip's deposition we went out with London Lunoux to a lovely dinner and then out to Devil's Point.

I'd like to say something before I finish my story. If you're an SG model/ supporter and you feel the need to approach me at a club or anywhere else to "just say hi" or apologize to me for their behavior...

#1. Don't expect a warm reception.
#2. Watch yourself; in our depositions (aka The Great SG Witch Hunt) SG demanded that we tell them under oath if anyone from SG has been sympathetic and even went so far to ask us whose phone numbers we had and who we talked to at all.

After we went to Devil's Point we went to some goth club where everyone was smoking inside and dancing around the Christmas lights to Ministry. After that we went to Sassy's, another strip club to see our friend Malice. There was a girl there that did all of these amazing things with her butt and I couldn't stop staring at her. I hope she didn't think I was creepy. I bet I looked creepy sitting at the bar shivering in my coat watching her. I had my glasses on too which is always creepy when someone in glasses is watching you and you can't see their eyes, only the reflection of light on their glasses, it's creepy like that kid in Sin City.

After that we went to a restaurant where I repeatedly fell down on the ground because I'm clumsy and I was really tired. Finally at 4:30, we went to bed.

It's now Sunday around 2pm and this is the first time since early Saturday morning that I've been out of bed for more than ten minutes. I caught something, possibly the flu, and I refuse to take medicine because medicine is disgusting. I was sick as a dog yesterday and I just stayed in bed reading my raw food books and loaded up on Emergen-C and alkalizing foods.

I think I did more damage going out than if I could have just stayed in. I haven't been so chipper for obvious reasons, but I'm returning to normal.

I went to Voodoo Doughnut and Powell's Books on Friday! That was tons of fun :)

Okay that's all I can think of right now. =D

And now your link of the day:

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I'm the face of the bootleg iPhone 
Right now I am listening to the Contemporary Music of Mexico and Brazil. I want to get out of the country ASAP. I've had offers to go to Spain and The Philippines-or bootleg Asia as I like to call it. All I want for Christmas is Continental gift certificates so we can go to Thailand. I hear great things about Barcelona. And Paris is an obvious choice.

I should be packing. I have a flight to catch in ten hours.

I hear I'm the face of the new bootleg IPhone...


I guess I'll go back to opening and closing my eye on makes me happy knowing that for five minutes I'm annoying dozens of people that have me on their buddy list.

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Mange La Mode 

Mange La Mode! San Diego! Lithium Picnic!

I did the hair and makeup and I even made the collar *brush shoulders off*

Soma Snakeoil and I had matching outfits and matching heads and necks, but we can't release all of the stunners at once.

Mange La Mode has been generous enough to auction off this custom dress for the highest bidder, and will make it to their size! Yea, Benson is pretty amazing.

I'm wearing a camel track suit right now, so that means I'm dressed better than everyone else.


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