
Here's what I've been up to the last few days...

Rana X turned me into a beautiful princess and made this dress for me. I love people shooting me like this <3 And Rana is one of my favorite people in the world. She got to see me be manic and scream so much that I lost my voice. And she still likes me! I do a lot of stupid stuff but luckily everyone thinks it's funny.

The day before yesterday I shot with RedRum and Mandamonium made my face look good.

I love how fast I'm getting previews back from photographers! The photographer from yesterday showed me the shots she took and they look amazing right off of the camera.

I'm not shooting any photosets today. Today I'm shooting video with Mike Gill.

Funny story. I was writing this blog then the laptop battery died and I lost everything. So while I was waiting for it to power back up I was just making faces at myself in the reflection of the screen and started playing with my hair and I figured out how I'm going to style my hair tonight.

I'm done writing this. I'm gonna go to the forums now and yell at more of you. hahaha :)

You look like a pretty pink doll.



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