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XOXO, Apnea
one day closer to 23 

Holy crap crap crap I'm so excited, cause my birthday is in two days then I'll be 22 and that's one more year closer to being 23. I've been waiting to turn 23 since I was 16, because that's when the magic's gonna happen for me. You don't get it? You will. Come back next year and watch the magic.

So ya, it's 4 in the morning and I have a dentist appointment in six hours so when I open my mouth and breathe on the dentist he's gonna smell the vodka on my breath. Class class class.

Porsylin and Dandy Amber Marie are my neighbors for the next two weeks, and they don't ever wear clothes so that means two really pretty naked girls are next door. Yesssss. I watched Porsylin and Picnic shoot tonight. It was her turn to dress up as a water cooler and take pictures. She's cooler than me though cause she got naked while she was a water cooler.

Did anyone see the new photos? Cause I only mentioned it half a dozen times, I thought it needed to be mentioned again.

I always write these things right before I go to bed. I can't remember a time when I haven't written it while I was dead tired and about to pass out. So I guess you can only bet what the next thing is I'm going to write....I say goodnite. Adieu, and toodles. <3

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You should be dancing, YA 

I don't know about you, but I had a wonderful day. And I got to work around agency girls, which was awesome. I love tall girls that are crazy skinny. I love lots of different types of ladies. Of course, not as much as I love Picnic. Fact. <3

I dressed up like a water cooler tonight and Picnic took photos of me. Then we went to the airport and picked up Dandy Amber Marie, which made me happy because I've wanted to meet her for the longest time.

Christine Kessler just gave me another set to post on my site for tomorrow. Holy crap, it's so hot. It's a two-girl set. And the other girl is one of my favorites. Lack of sleep = incomplete sentences. Tit. I go to bed.

I wish I was this cool.

If you get bored, THIS is loads of fun.

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St. Louis 

My St. Louis trip was so much fun. It was my favorite trip I've been on in a long time. One of the things that made it so exciting was the movie I was first movie! AWWWW!!!! I really love acting, I hope I can be in more movies. And you know what the funny part is? I never took my clothes off! Haha :) As much as I enjoy getting naked, it was fun to keep my clothes on all week.

Ugly Shyla was there for the first couple of days. I love that girl, I'm glad I got to see her again. I met Jim Van Bebber, he made me laugh so much that sometimes I couldn't even be in the same room with him :) And I got to spend lots of fun time with one of my favorite girls Nos. I saw Buffalo 66 for the first time with her, and we climbed through caves together and she let me play in her movie and it was tons of fun. Who knew St. Louis could be so exciting? The last time I was there I swore it was the seventh circle of Hell.

Immediately after I got home today my suitcases exploded next to the suitcases from Vegas so my place looks trashed, I'll clean it tomorrow, but anyways I'm trailing off. Immediately after I got home I had to jump in the shower and get dressed again to go to a meeting for a shoot on Monday, and I was so tired but I kept telling myself, "You can do it, just a few more hours then you can have a full night's sleep." So I go through all of that trouble and then I get to the meeting and I fall asleep on the couch in the back room and I missed it. Good thing Philip was listening.

My to-do list for tomorrow is really long, but not overwhelming. I'm excited that most of the stuff on my list can be done with me being alone and without pants. I missed being by myself. Haha! Lord I sound like one of those emo fags. I'm not alone, Picnic is always with me, but sometimes I feel like we're just one unit split in two so when it's just the two of us it's like the unit is alone. It's nothing creepy, as creepy and clingy as that sounds, I don't mean it like that. It's a healthy unit =D

Don't forget to keep up with this for up-to-date news on how the "situation" is moving along.

I just looked at my Myspace page and everyone is telling me Happy Birthday. My birthday isn't until the 26th...I wonder if I put something different on there. I used to think there was some way to protect myself from all of my personal information being discovered, that is until those few crazy people proved me wrong.

My new neighbor is a model and I'm excited that I have someone to play with :)

I'm adding lots of photos to my site tomorrow when I wake up. I didn't forget! I know I've been gone and it seems like things aren't moving and shaking like it once was but it is. Oh yes, it certainly is. So brace yourself.

I want to see Dave Ashlock again!!! Dave, do you read my journals? LET'S DO THE DAMN THING. (Dave is the guy that is responsible for my amazing hip tattoos. He's in Houston, you should work with him)

It's 1AM and I'm tired. Good God, what happened to me. I need to get back on my backwards schedule ASAP. Oh yea, I know what happened.

Everyone in El Paso had rocks in their front yard instead of grass. Did I mention that already? That was really weird.

I'm not checking this for typos, cause I keeps it real. And I'm really really tired.

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