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XOXO, Apnea
Dry time : too long 

I spent two hours today making veggie seed croquettes and a raw banana creme pie. That was a lot of fun, but it took a little bit longer than I would have liked. I had a lot of work to catch up on today. And after I spent two hours "cooking", I fell asleep for four hours. So now it's 4am and I'm still awake working because I lost so much of the day. It's ok though :)

My best friend from my freshman year of high school found me on Myspace. That was wild, I never expected to talk to her again. Even more shocking is my best friend from age 15-18 (I moved schools) was spotted by Picnic's friend in Austin. I miss her a lot but I don't think I'll ever have the chance to talk to her again. :(

No point reminiscing on the past, especially since my life is so much better now and I have Picnic. You know what else is awesome? Annaliese from Godsgirls just told me that Sylvia Ji painted me. And that made my night.

You can see it HERE.

Did I mention that I sat on Scar's face a few days ago? I can't stop laughing because I'm so much luckier than you =P

I think I'm gonna go to sleep now. Yes, sweet delicious sleep. I can't wait to try my veggie seed croquettes tomorrow. It's kinda weird preparing food that I can't eat until the next day because the dehydrator takes a balls long time to dry stuff will so be worth it though.

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Dr. Dan 

My plane landed in Houston at 6AM. It was extremely difficult hauling my luggage around that early in the morning, but it was so wonderful to get home and get back in our bed. It was so nice that I slept most of the day.

Dr. Dan emailed me a picture he shot from Fetish Photo Box. I'm in a box! At Fetish Photo Box! GET IT!?

I love that hat.

I can't wait to show you all the awesome stuff we shot in the last week. Oh so excited :)

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LA week - Fetish Photo Box 

So Picnic and I have been staying with the wonderfully talented Michael Helms the last five days, and for some reason we couldn't get our computers to connect to his wireless signal. Picnic blamed it on all of the Macs. He doesn't like Macs.

See? He recoils when he's left with no choice but to use one.

But anyways, we shot an amazing content set on Thursday night then went to bed early.

Friday after breakfast, the adorable little Lystra came over and spent the day with us. The three of us went to Sherman Oaks to a raw food restaurant to have lunch together. I had the best raw brownie I've ever had in my LIFE. I could fist those things every day if I had the opportunity to do so. But enough about my delicious brownie, afterwards Picnic had this awesome idea to put Lystra in bunny ears and I force fed her delicious Peeps. Then after the bunny set we shot a smokin' hot set in our huge rental car. From what I saw, those pictures are going to turn out amazing. Lucky for my site members, right? Right? Nudge nudge. =) Then Picnic and I turned in early, only to wake up to Kumi and her friend banging on our bedroom door trying to get into Michael's house. I let her in and went to bed.

Saturday. Fetish Photo Box v2.0 begins. We get there at 9AM and start our 12 hour work day. Lots of shooting. LOTS of shooting. Saturday was also Picnic's real birthday. I say real because he accidentally set his Myspace to say his birthday was last week but it was actually Saturday. Robert Sanders had a birthday cake made for him with little cowboys on it, it was so cute and sweet of him to do that. After the event was over, Perry Gallagher, Michael Helms, Kumimonster, Natalie Adams, and myself went out for delicious sushi. It was the most fun I've had in a long time! The ladies at the restaurant brought out a little bowl of ice cream with a candle in it and we all sang Happy Birthday to Picnic. It was sweet :) Then we drove home and went to bed because I had another day of Fetish Photo Box.

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! I had to be at Fetish Photo Box at 8AM. That kinda sucked balls. I made it through the day though. Perry used me as his "demo" and I got some great shots from the 5 minutes we shot together. See??

After the event we went straight back to Michael's house and went into a mini coma until Monday morning.


I shot lots of photos yesterday. I shot some interesting photos with interesting, I mean I sat on a cake then I sat on her face. Thank you Kumi for the inspiration to do that. Lots of shooting yesterday. Then we went to bed.

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