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XOXO, Apnea
Sweet Jane Vintage 

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Sweet Jane is located at 1742 East Passyunk Ave in Philadelphia, PA.
Store hours Tues-Saturday 12-8 Sunday 12-6
# 215-339-0882

Dave Dawson is located at awesomeland in Manchester, NH.

Happy Mother's Day!

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I remember when I was a kid I had a copy of The Little Red Hen that my mom used to make me go and get and bring to my sister (that is nine years older than me) when she thought my sister needed to be reminded that she reaps what she sows. And looking back at that now it's really funny that my mom did that to her because that's the most ineffective way I can think to reinforce that kind of ideal into your kid, especially if your kid is my sister. I was thinking of that because I just watched an episode of some preschool cartoon that comes on at 5am and was reminded of a really valuable lesson. But it wasn't like when my mom would attempt to make my sister read my Little Red Hen book, which I can't imagine she ever did, I don't remember because I would run and hide in my room but I'm guessing my sister would throw the book at my mom and threaten to kill her.

So Wubsy lost at the bouncy bounce game then lost at nutty nut toss then lost at chewy cheese checkers so Wubsy got real bummed out and went to Widget and asked Widget to build him bouncy shoes and some weird Terminator wrist brace and the Chewy Cheat code 3000 game boy looking system and Wubsy went around to all of his friends to replay the games but cheated like a bitch and danced like a rude little bouncy yellow square after he won every time. Then all of his friends got together because they were curious why Wubsy was being such a douche and went to Widget and figured out he was cheating.

Then I was called into the other room and I didn't get to finish the episode. So I guess I didn't learn what I was supposed to learn out of that cartoon. All I learned is I hate Wubsy and everyone I've ever met like him. But it did remind me that people, including me, including me a lot, can't be told something that's best for them. They have to go and look for it themselves. If they aren't allowed to go look for it themselves they throw the book back in your face.

I need to read a lot more books =/

*click the pics and they grow*

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The Opening 
Jonathan Slingluff from Studio 27.28 said 600 to 800 people came through the door that night. The line was two blocks long to get in =0

Here's some random photos of me with people that night. I didn't get to wear the dress I planned to wear because we were hanging until 5:50 pm and the show started at 6.

That's Hannah Rose. She helped us out with everything and then extra. She's awesome =0 and she's our permanent traveling companion. I like her iPod too. Chase makes fun of us for listening to TI but I think he secretly likes it.

That's Chase's mom, his sister Brigette in the middle and me. Brigette is my bff. There was some scandal when Chase walked in the room while we were napping together and my hand was accidentally on her boob.

That's Karen and Caitlin. We all have red eyes because when we get together we make magic. They are the two ladies that escorted me to my laser appointment in DC and fed me Bailey's ice cream when I was overladen with xanax and percs and saved me when I was nodding off behind a Dean and Deluca. No more percoset for me :D

I love him and I'm so proud of him :)

That's Chelsea. We've been emailing each other for years. She lived down the street from me when I was in Houston and then moved up by NYC and she was an internet pen pal for a long time. She mentioned in one of her first emails to me something about her girlfriend being a yoga instructor so I thought she was gay until seven months ago when I found out she's not gay at all, she just says girlfriend like a girl that's a friend. And when I thought she was gay I thought my ex would get mad if I talked to her too much because I have dated girls and I didn't want him to think I was flirting with her so we didn't become as close as we are until I broke up with him and didn't feel disrespectful if I talked to her. The night of the opening was the first time I met her. Today she texted me and told me she was driving with a cake in her lap, texting, and smoking all at once. Chelsea is freaking awesome. And we are really tiny in that picture.

A really beautiful lady named Tammy gave me the flowers. I wish I had a picture with her.

Family pic by Josh Sisk

The guy at the bottom is Internet Micah. Chase told me we would get along really well because we were both really awkward. And we do =D I like Brigette's gangster face.

So Myspace won't give me a folder that shows where I'm tagged so I'm missing so many pictures with people and I want to tell stories about everyone, so please email me pictures if you were at the event that night.

Like Matt and Asphyxia, two of my favorite people in the world. Matt where the hell are the pictures of us...seriously.

*click on it to see the full size please*

Brigette's not the only one with the fkn gangster face. Unghhhh na na nana

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