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XOXO, Apnea
Sandwich Day 
Today was Sandwich day at the LP Manor. The guests in the Great Hall feasted upon a banquet of seven different kinds of sandwiches. My new cheddar and bacon cinnamon sandwiches, croques of all varieties, the infamous Monte Cristo, and some other experiments that do not have a name yet. I am the sandwich master, and I don't even eat these sandwiches. I don't even eat sandwiches and I am sick of sandwiches.

After the sandwich party I don't remember what happened. I seriously don't remember about 6 hours of my day. For some reason we went to Target three times today. The third time we stood in the home improvement isle and Picnic kept "horse biting" me and I would fall down and he would laugh. So I would poke him in the sternum and after he regained his strength he would horse bite me again and I would fall down. I'm serious, poke someone you know towards the bottom of the sternum or right underneath it and watch them scream. It's one of the worst feelings in the world. Or dig your chin into it. If you ever wanted someone to involunatily punch you in the face, just dig your chin into that part of their chest.

Biyoshi made it into town tonight. He's next door now sleeping. Mosh is coming in tomorrow. I finally got a new planner, filled out my to-do lists for the next three days and somehow didn't do anything on my list. EHHHHhooohhhh well.

It's so cold in my office but I don't want to turn on the heater. I'm just gonna sit here in silence in the cold because I won't turn on my music or the heater. I'm huddled up in my chair for warmth. It's making me sleepy. I need to shower. I'm gonna go shower now. <3

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Hi :)

Does anyone know about Pemberton? It looks like a place I want to go.

Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday were spent working very long days with a Belgian model named Zyryel. Yesterday she serenaded me in French and it made me really happy. I want to learn how to serenade someone in a foreign language.

I found a photo of me and Audrey Kitching :

And a very talented artist named Glen Bramlitt emailed me a beautiful photo of his drawing based off of our photo "Natural History." I asked him if I could share it with everyone and he kindly said yes.

The last three days have been very long, I wasn't able to sleep in which is very weird for me. I know, you're all thinking, "oh boo hoo you had to wake up with an alarm clock three days out of the month you're soooo unlucky" haha I know that's something stupid to complain about that unfortunately so many people have to experience five days a week, but I'm not used to it so it sucked balls and it made me feel crazy all day. Yerba mate was my friend. I would wake up and then I would "get mate'n" and start my running around. I shot a badass set of photos with Zyryel that I think everyone is going to love it. I did lots of makeup and styling and I realized I should stop doubting myself and my abilities and start doing more of my crazy stuff that I do.

I saw Sinched on Sunday which was fun :) Ms. Sinched made Picnic and me some thumb wrestling masks, look out for the video coming soon.

I dyed my hair black again. The brown wasn't doing it for me anymore.

I have naked photos of my neighbor. Hahahaha! AHH!

I'm shooting a lot this weekend, I'm all excited about it like I used to get about shooting.

Sometimes when I need extra money I edit photos of people and their family. I prefer looking at boobs but I need to get back to editing Christmas portraits.


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My pitcher 

Lately I've been drinking out of a dainty little pitcher. It looks like this and it's just a little bigger than my hand :

People say, "Daaaammmnnnn that's fancy" then I drink out of my pitcher and give them a concurring nod. I pretty much take it everywhere I go.

Today the team ran around Houston getting everything together for the big shoot. I'm really exhausted from all the running around but I had lots of fun doing it so it was worth the exertion.

Picnic and I are gonna rub coconut oil all over each other now. Bahaha! =D

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