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And, if you like what you see here and you want to access all of my uncensored photos and videos, head on over to!

XOXO, Apnea

Ok the Bloods joke on my Myspace page isn't funny anymore. But it was really funny while it lasted.

Today was the first day I've ever driven in snow! Then once I got home I made snowballs and threw them against the house. I love snow so much. It's also really crazy to be driving and look in the mirror and see the cars behind me sliding all over the road, then I stop at the stop sign then I start sliding and we're all sliding together. I went to the post office and the lady was laughing about seeing a guy slide into a ditch and get stuck and seeing a lady almost slide into a Walgreens. Winter is awesome.

Before a few days ago I'd only heard of LL Bean when Otho mentioned it in Beetlejuice and now I'm totally in love with them and their warmth.

snow snow snow

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I'm copying Chase's list idea he wrote in his blog today.

I'm thankful that I found faith again.
I'm thankful that I realized what I don't want out of life. And I'm thankful that even after I knew what I didn't want, but stayed in the situation out of fear, the universe forced me out of it.
I'm thankful that I didn't care about anything anymore and had no fear of losing everything and agreed to go on a train adventure with a guy I had never met.
I'm thankful for the guy I met on the train, and I'm very happy that we stayed together after our rail passes expired.
I'm thankful that Katie Sellergren gave me an opportunity to not live in Texas anymore. I haven't wanted to live there for years.
Speaking of Katie, I'm thankful that she's fixing the horrors tattooed on my left arm.
I'm very thankful that I know what I want now and I have a map to get there.
I'm thankful that I have enough control over my life now that I no longer have to be obsessively controlling over my diet.
I'm thankful to see all of my sisters and brother again in the same room. We haven't all been together since 1997. My dad isn't doing well and I know it meant a lot to him to see us all together. I'm also really happy I have some sort of relationship with him again. It's going to take a long time to get past what's happened the last 23 years but I'm glad to be on the path to making it better again. I wouldn't have had the strength to face my family today if Chase wasn't there with me.
I'm thankful for shaking the bad apples out of my tree.

Unfortunately I still have to deal with some of my past problems, but I wake up in a better mood everyday knowing I'm one day closer to it all being over.

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*click it, it's like magic how it grows twice it's size*

Sometimes I have trouble naming my blogs. And then people don't understand what I'm saying so I change it over and over until it's really dull and easy to understand.

Chase just realized something epic and had to take off his glasses to tell me about it. My friend Carson does that too. I wonder if Carson's mom still reads my blog.

Thank you for your comments on my last blog post. I've decided to include all of the photos in the set and just add a warning in the set description.

The best quotes I've heard today :
"What the fuck is a gauntlet tokenizer"
"I spelled USA wrong"
"I'm gonna shoot somebody one day. In the head. We're not gonna break up one day, are we? And then you start dating some other guy and you talk all like, 'man Chase is crazy, he talked about killing people and had knives hidden all around his desk'"

I really think there's a 50 percent chance he's gonna shoot someone one day.

I miss the Warlordz webcam.

Go check out the new set on my site! It's Steeeeeeeen! We love Steeeeen!

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kitty cat 
I guess my friends have heard about why I sometimes laugh when I walk down the pet food isle at the food library and see the cat chow bag with the lady on it holding the cat in the air, and I always imagine the cat's head in her mouth and it makes me laugh. So when I saw Jackal's kitten the head looked small enough and I couldn't resist.

*click to watch it grow! ch ch ch chia!*

There are thousands of photos on my site. Somewhere between 12,000 and 15,000, I don't know because I haven't checked in awhile. Out of all of those, I think I only have one set with Swindle where I grew out a landing strip, and some of the more memorable comments were, "ew" and "please shave it off immediately." I just wanted to try something different. My personal preference is none at all so I didn't mind getting rid of it. But I have a set going up this month where I grew it out...and while I was looking at the pictures it scared me and I'm still thinking about leaving out all of those so I don't scare my members away. Either that or I'll put up a disclaimer in the set description. Does everyone shave or is it just people that are naked on the internet? Did it go the way of leg hair and will soon become a part of the female body that is expected to never be there? I don't know.

I'm too scared to post a picture of it on my blog, but Chase posted it on his Nerve blog. He's into it. I'm not as daring with my photo updates as I am with some of my offensive Twitter updates.

Buy our merch, it's the best! =D

*merch photos by Chase Lisbon*

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-click to see the photos grow! ch ch ch chia!-

Go check out the new set on my site!

I went all ferret on Chase before I went to Boston and stashed a few of his shirts in my suitcase so when I missed him I could wear it around and be all happy. This is one of the shirts I temporarily stole from him. He didn't know I took it until I was going through the photos on my computer and he looked over at the screen and said, "hey I have a shirt just like that."




"It is your shirt."

Chase - "Did I take that picture?"
me -"no"


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