*Click any of the photos and they get bigger.*

New set on APNEATIC.com shot by Corwin Prescott. Here's a preview of another bum-in-the-air shot. Maybe I should make a series.

One of my favorite painters painted me. *die*

Chase and I got a new dog. Her name is Baby Dracula, our little teacup Yorkie. We've been crate training her and the first few nights were a nightmare. She cried, screamed, whined, and made weird bird noises keeping us up all night. And then last night she stopped crying. Now I love her even more because she's quiet and looks like a little teddy bear.


Ego Assassin sent Uncle Bryan and me a dress to take pictures in a crazy old Indian cave that we had to hike three miles round-trip to get into...and after hauling the generator he ended up shooting with natural light.

I'm still working on FLNGS and I still haven't made a footer for it.

But Bob Coulter just put up a photo blast that I'm totally in love with, so that makes me feel better about not building the footer yet.

*Corwin and the Fox*

You are magnificent! I do not cease to admire you!!I always with impatience wait for new photos.
from Russia with love*)

jennifer jane 
I love the one with the falling leaves.
it's delicious perfection <3

Administrator (Apnea) 
Ro, that's something Chase mentioned too. The dog never ever leaves our side. And I'm really sorry to hear you had to see something like that. =(

There are definitely eagles and hawks and buzzards out here so I keep an eye out.

Chase's legal middle name is Hawk lol

I always have to say this when I know someone has a small dog and lives in a rural setting: watch out for hawks and eagles. Coyotes and raccoons are a concern too, but if you live somewhere where they haven't gotten too used to humans small dogs are usually ok if closely supervised. But birds of prey can be very quick and very sneaky.
I'm not trying to be mean, it's a threat not many people think about and one that I've seen and don't want to see again.

Ive been a big fan of yours for about 4 or 5 years give or take but thought it wouldnt be appropreate for me to say anything. I just turned 18 in October so now that im legal I dont feel weird. You and alot of the other fetish models gave me alot of inspiration when I was younger. Seeing you made me start drawing woman and completly changed me so I have you guys to be thanfull for. Anyways I wont ramble anymore. Great new photos! hope you keep it up.

I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the photo with the fox. And you make all your photos you're in into Fine Art. You've inspired me greatly.

you are a goddess i never saw something as heavenly as you.

Administrator (Apnea) 
Kurt! You can buy it at http://www.ego-assassin.com!

The Late Night Feelings site looks fab, lovely lady! :)

Also, that last run of pictures at the cave are so fantastic! You standing at the cave mouth is like an epic painting.

thanks for sharing so many lovely photos. love the dress and again your hair like this is awesome!

Derek C. F. Pegritz 
Goddamnit, WHY is the only thing I can think of when I look at the fox photo is "Chaos reigns"?!

Where can I buy that dress? I must have it.....

Can't get enough of those bum-in-the-air shots coz you do them so well, you have the face of an Angel with God given ass.

Your new web site's not bad either, quite a powerhouse of artistic talent you've got there, will you be getting to grips with flash animation, perhaps you could make your brand cartoon characters mobile. Good luck with all your endeavours you beautiful, talented woman.

Wow those pictures are really great !

There's no such thing as a teacup breed - that's a stupid myth made up by asshole breeders to sell more dogs. They're just runts. I have a four pound, one-eyed yorkie.

Administrator (Apnea) 
That's the thing, I kind of gave up on nutrition and being crazy about exercise. The only exercise I get now is with my dog and I don't count calories anymore. A friend told me it was psychological... ? =/ ?

Ryan St. Germain 
Great photos; particularly the last one. The painting by Lori Earley is really pretty too!

Your arms and legs look really nice in these pictures, what do you do to stay so fit?

Your new photos look AMAZING! I think the BEST EVER!

I love Bryan's photos of you in the cave. The new set from Corwin is AMAZING.

Looking greeeeeeat girl!


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